Build a site for
  • your workshop
  • your student organization
  • your research center
  • your conference
  • your design team
  • your upcoming event
  • your symposium
  • your assignment
  • your open forum
  • your training session

Build a Site For
  • Your Workshop
  • Your Student Organization
  • Your Research Center
  • Your Conference
  • Your Design Team
  • Your Upcoming Event
  • Your Symposium
  • Your Assignment
  • Your Open Forum
  • Your Training Session

Create your own site, or collaborate with a group on an organizational website.

Available for Free

S&T sites are available for S&T faculty, staff, and students for education-related sites or blogs.

Easy to Use

Build from pre-made templates or from scratch with a wide range of vetted, accessibility-ready templates and plugins.

For Educational Sites

Education-related sites such as faculty websites, class archives, conferences, research showcases

Choose Your Editing Experience

S&T Sites supports editing in WordPress’s Gutenberg block editor, or in the Divi visual page builder.
For drag-and-drop visual editing, activate the Divi theme under your Themes menu.

Gutenberg editor demo

WordPress Gutenberg

Divi editor demo

Divi Page Builder

Start From a Pre-Built Template…

Faculty Website

Faculty Site
A perfect supplement to your Elsevier Pure faculty profile. Showcase your research and publications.

Research Center

Research Center
Publicize your research center with investigator listings, links to publications, and your latest updates.


Conference Site
Create a professional presence for your conference with venue and registration information, schedules, and speaker info.

Student Organization

Drive participation with a custom website. List upcoming events, share club updates, and host photo galleries.

Design Team

Design Team Site
Show off your team’s creations, share competition updates, and credit your sponsors on a highly-customizable site.


Workshop Site
Educate the campus with a workshop site. Share files, post your agenda, and manage contact and registration forms.

…Or Build From the Ground Up

S&T Sites runs on WordPress, the world’s most popular CMS. All sites have access to a large collection of plugins through our partnership with CampusPress. Start with a blank template for a truly open-ended build experience.

…or build from the ground up

S&T Sites runs on WordPress, the world’s most popular CMS. All sites have access to a large collection of plugins through our partnership with CampusPress. Start with a blank template for a truly open-ended build experience.

Choose your editing experience

S&T Sites supports editing in WordPress’s Gutenberg block editor, or in the Divi visual page builder. For drag-and-drop visual editing, activate the Divi theme under your Themes menu.

Gutenberg editor demo
Divi editor demo

Start from a pre-built template…

Faculty website

A perfect supplement to your SelectedWorks faculty profile. Showcase your research and publications.

Research center

Publicize your research center with investigator listings, links to publications, and your latest updates.


Create a professional presence for your conference with venue and registration information, schedules, and speaker info.

Student organization

Drive participation with a custom website. List upcoming events, share club updates, and host photo galleries.

Design Team

Show off your team’s creations, share competition updates, and credit your sponsors on a highly-customizable site.


Educate researchers on your lab’s equipment, procedures, and staffing with a dedicated, easy-to-edit site.