
Work Experience

Graduate Research Assistant, Missouri University of Science and Technology [August/2024 – current]

  • My current role as a GRA in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department is to focus on machine learning for fairness and interpretability under the supervision of Dr. Mohamed Nafea.

Graduate Research Assistant, University of Detroit Mercy. [May/2024 – August/2024]

  • Under the supervision of Dr. Mohamed Nafea, I contributed to projects focused on advanced machine-learning techniques, specifically developing and evaluating algorithms aimed at robust and fair decision-making.

Research Assistant, Aalto University [September/2023 – April/2024]

Robotics Engineer, International Laboratory of Biomechatronics and Energy-Efficient Robotics [July/2023 – August/2024]

  • I developed robotics solutions and contributed to research in energy-efficient systems under Dr. Sergey Kolyubin.


  • Journal Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking.
  • Journal Reviewer: Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems
  • Journal Reviewer: IFAC Automatica