Dr. Baojun Bai
Curators’ Distinguished Professor
Lester R. Birbeck Endowed Professor
Petroleum Engineering
Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering
Director, PPG Industrial Consortium
Major Awards and Honors
30+ Awards have been received from Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), China National Petroleum Company (CNPC), PetroChina, China Society of Petroleum, and Missouri S&T since 2006. Below lists the major awards and honors.
- Fellow of International Association of Advance Materials, 2024
- 2024 IOR Pioneer Award Winner, recognized at SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference (IOR 2024) in Tulsa, OK, April 23-25, 2024.
- 2024 Alfred Wegener Award Winner by European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE), June 2024, Olso, Norway
- Outstanding Technical Editor, SPE Journal, 2016, 2023, 2024
- SPE Distinguished Achievement International Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty, 2023.
- Curators’ Distinguished Professor, University of Missouri System, 2023
- “A Peer Apart” Award by Society of Petroleum Engineering, 2022
- Asia Pacific Regional Leader, IEA (International Energy Agency) EOR TCP (Technology Collaboration Program) Award, 2021.
- Distinguished member of Society of Petroleum Engineer, 2019.
- Member of EU Academy of Sciences, 2018
- Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Mid-Continent Regional Service Award, 2018
- Outstanding Reviewer, Fuel, 2016
- SPE Mid-Continent Regional Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty, 2016
- Outstanding Teaching Award, 2014, 2015, 2017, Missouri University of Science and Technology
- Outstanding Reviewer, Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology, 2015, 2017
- Best Citation Awards of Petroleum Science (Journal), 2012, 2013
- Lester Birbeck Endowed Chair in Missouri University of Science and Technology, Since 2011
- Mines and Metallurgy Academy Faculty Award, Missouri S&T, April 2010
Research and Graduate Supervision
- Being funded more than 26 (18 plus 8 yearly consortium projects) external projects as PI (20) or Co-PI (6) since I joined in Missouri S&T as a faculty member in 2006. The funding comes from different competitive resources, mostly from DOE, and some from NSF and Industry.
- Supervised 44 PhD students, 42 Master students to complete their thesis/dissertation since 2006.
- Supervised over 15 visiting scholars and more than 10 post-doctor scholars.
- Supervised nearly 30 undergraduate students for research.
- Currently supervising additional 10 PhD and one Postdoc for research.
Publication and Citations
- Published more than 270 peer-reviewed papers in high quality journals. Most of them are my students/visiting scholars as first authors and myself as the corresponding author.
- Published over 150 full papers in SPE conferences.
- The total citations are 16,000+ with H-index 65 and i10-index 303 by October 23, 2024.
Professional Services
- Extensive professional service to SPE, Publisher (Elsevier), Committee of International Conferences and Award, High quality peer-reviewed journals as Associate Editor and Editorial Committee.
- Various Campus and Department Committee members, such as IP committee, P&T committee, Graduate coordinator, Petroleum Engineering Program Head.
Research Areas
- Conformance control to reduce excess water production using gels, especially preformed particle gels.
- Chemical EOR methods, including polymer flooding, polymer-surfactant flooding, MEOR (biosurfactant), and Wettability alteration for carbonate reservoirs.
- CO2 and CO2 foam flooding
- Shale Gas Development
- Geological carbon sequestration
- Reservoir numerical simulation
- Wellbore Leakage Control, Wellbore Integrity
- Temporary Diverting Agents Development and Application for Acid Stimulation and Hydraulic Fracturing
- Multiphase flow in porous media