Format: | Buck N C1(2) C2(2) A ρ C D rcut … |
Description: | Specifies Buckingham-type interaction as prescribed by the following formula: N defines a number of pairs of atoms for which this interaction is specified. String constants C1 and C2 are the atom types (2 symbols maximum) and must be defined by the species keyword. The units for A are eV, ρ is in angstroms, C is in eV angstrom6, D is in eV angstrom8, and rcut specifies cutoff radius in angstroms. |
Examples: | buck 2 O U 55918.39 .202 0.00 0.0 10.4 O O 919.17 .332 17.36 0.0 10.4 |
Format: | Buck4 N C1(2) C2(2) A ρ C r1 rmin r2 rcut … |
Description: | Specifies Buckingham 4-range interaction as prescribed by the following formula: N defines a number of pairs of atoms for which this interaction is specified. String constants C1 and C2 are the atom types (2 symbols maximum) and must be defined by the species keyword. The units for A are eV, ρ is in angstroms, C is in eV/angstrom6, r1,rmin,r2, are all in angstrom and rcut specifies cutoff radius in angstroms. |
Examples: | buck4 1 O O 11272.6 .1363 134.0 1.2 2.1 2.6 10.0 |
Format: | |
Description: | |
Examples: |
Format: | Buck_morse1 N C1(2) C2(2) F0 Ai Bi Ci Aj Bj Cj D r0 β rcut … |
Description: | Specifies combination of Buckingham and Morse interactions as prescribed by the following formula: N defines a number of pairs of atoms for which this interaction is specified. String constants C1 and C2 are the atom types (2 symbols maximum) and must be defined by the species keyword. As one can see Buckingham interaction here is expressed in the form, which specifies atom-specific parameters A, B, etc and uses a mixing rule to make up pair-wise interactions. F0 here is the universal force constant (in eV/angstroms), which is given to user for control here, since different authors use slightly different values. Ai and Bi are in units of angstroms, Cj is in units of eV1/2angstrom3. Morse parameters have the following units: D is in eV, r0 is in angstrom and β is in inverse angstrom. rcut is cutoff radius in the units of angstrom. |
Examples: | buck_morse1 1 O Si 0.043364 1.37107 0.22333 0. 2.176 0.18307 0.7447 1.05534 1.8271 1.9032 12.0 |
Format: | Buck_morse2 N C1(2) C2(2) A ρ C D r0 β rcut … |
Description: | Specifies combination of more traditional Buckingham and Morse interactions as prescribed by the following formula: N defines a number of pairs of atoms for which this interaction is specified. String constants C1 and C2 are the atom types (2 symbols maximum) and must be defined by the species keyword. The units for A are eV, ρ is in angstrom, C is in eV angstrom6. Morse parameters have the following units: D is in eV, r0 is in angstrom and β is in inverse angstrom. rcut specifies cutoff radius in angstroms. Note: if you are using version earlier than 1.0.3, then r0 β are interchanged, i.e. it is β r0 in the parameters list here. |
Examples: | buck_morse2 1 O Th 61.4295 0.57 0.00000 1.21500 2.36000 1.90 12.0 |
Format: | lennard-jones N C1(2) C2(2) ε σ rcut … |
Description: | Specifies Lennard-Jones interactions as prescribed by the following formula: N defines a number of pairs of atoms for which this interaction is specified. String constants C1 and C2 are the atom types (2 symbols maximum) and must be defined by the species keyword. The units for ε are eV, σ is in angstrom. rcut specifies cutoff radius in angstroms. |
Examples: | lennard-jones 1 Ar Ar 0.010333 3.40 10.0 |
Format: | exp-6 N C1(2) C2(2) ε α σ rcut … |
Description: | Specifies exp-6 interactions, which is an inert gas potential quite successful at high pressure studies, as prescribed by the following formula: N defines a number of pairs of atoms for which this interaction is specified. String constants C1 and C2 are the atom types (2 symbols maximum) and must be defined by the species keyword. The units for ε are eV, α is dimensionless, and σ is in angstrom. rcut specifies cutoff radius in angstroms. |
Examples: | exp-6 1 Ar Ar 0.01051316 13. 3.85 9.625 |
Format: | Tersoff L |
Description: | This turns on Tersoff-type potential for C, Si and Ge, as described and parametrized in the cited paper. Currently, one does not supply the values of parameters for this potential type, but they are hard-coded in the code (in force_tersoff.f90), thus only C, Si and Ge are avalable. For this potential only second derivatives are available, hence third derivatives will always be computed numerically (numerical_3der=T is set automatically). Usage of other parametrizations is possible through the LAMMPS interface. |
Examples: | Tersoff T |
Format: | Stillinger_weber L |
Description: | This turns on Stillinger-Weber-type potential for Si, as described and parametrized in the cited paper. Currently, one does not supply the values of parameters for this potential type, but they are hard-coded in the code (in force_SW.f90), thus only Si is avalable. For this potential only second derivatives are available (not first), hence third derivatives will always be computed numerically (numerical_3der=T is set automatically), and no quench could be performed. Usage of other parametrizations is possible through the LAMMPS interface. |
Examples: | Stillinger_weber T |
Format: | Tiwary L |
Description: | This keyword turns on UO2 potential due to Tiwary et al.. Similarly to Tersoff and Stillinger-Weber potentials this is hard-coded potential due to the large number of parameters involved. Thus, one has to have system consistent only of uranium and oxygen atoms. There is an updated version of these potentials developed for the mixed nuclear fuels that includes Pu an Np potentials in addition to U. Please contact PhonTS support if you would like to work with these potentials. |
Examples: | Tiwary T |
Format: | spring N C(2) k2 qcore qshell … |
Description: | This keyword turns on core-shell model due to Dick and Overhauser to account for atomic polarizability. In this model electron cloud is represented as a massless shell that is connected to a core by the harmonic potential of the form: N defines a number of atom types for which shell model will be used. String constant C(2) specifies the atom type (2 symbols maximum) that must be defined by the species keyword. The units for spring constant k2 is eV/angstrom2, core and shell charges qcore and qshell are in the units of electron charge. While core and shell each has their own charges, core does not interact electrostatically with its own shell, but does so with all other cores and shells in the system. Consequently total ionic charge specified by species keyword becomes irrelevant if given atom type is described by the shell model. Note, that while second derivatives are rigorously avalable analytically for this approach, third derivatives can be calculated only in an approximate way, which is not very accurate. It is therefore recommended to set numerical_3der, so third derivatives would be evaluated numerically. |
Examples: | spring 2 O 80.21 1.14 -3.06 U 210.02 -4.1 7.94 |
Format: | spring N C(2) k4 … |
Description: | This keyword adds additional, 4th power term to core-shell interaction. Such additional term usually is important in description of ferroelectric materials as in this example. Potential if of the form: N defines a number of atom types for which this term will be used. String constant C(2) specifies the atom type (2 symbols maximum) that must be defined by the species keyword. The units for spring constant k4 is eV/angstrom4. |
Examples: | spring4 1 Ba 400. |
Format: | taper L |
Description: | This keyword smooths out any two-body interaction potential at the cut-off radius according to the formula: While for lattice dynamics smooth behavior at cutoff is not crucial, it might be important when making comparison with the molecular dynamics calculations for thermal conductivity. |
Examples: | taper T |
Default: | taper F |