Dr. Chariklia (Lia) Sotiriou-Leventis
Chair & Professor, Department of Chemistry
Investigator, Materials Research Center
Chariklia Sotiriou-Leventis was born and raised in the island of Cyprus. She received her B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Athens, Greece (1982) and her Ph.D. from Michigan State University with Professor C. K. Chang in organic chemistry (1987). She was a postdoctoral fellow with Professors Roger Giese at Northeastern University (1987-1989) and William von Eggers Doering (deceased) at Harvard University (1989-1992). She worked for two years at Ciba Corning Diagnostics (1992-1994, 2 patents) before joining as an Adjunct Assistant Professor the Chemistry Department of Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) in 1994, advancing to Assistant Professor in 1995, Associate Professor in 2001 and to Professor in 2005. She became the Chair of the department in 2022. Her research interests are in the areas of nanotechnology, synthesis of new organic materials including aerogels, physical organic chemistry as well as supramolecular chemistry. She is the recipient of an award in organic synthesis from Ciba Corning Diagnostics and the Gustel Giessen Advanced Research Award of the Barnett Institute of Chemical Analysis and Materials Science. She has published over 145 articles in high-impact factor scientific journals, four book chapters, and she has 16 U.S. Patents issued. Her publications and patents have received over 7,000 citations, and her h-index is 45. She has also received 14 excellence in teaching awards from Missouri S&T for her instruction in both undergraduate and graduate chemistry courses.
For more information: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Xw94c0oAAAAJ&hl=en
- 1992 – 1994: Senior Research Scientist, Ciba Corning Diagnostics
- 1994 – 1995: Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Missouri S&T (formerly the University of Missouri-Rolla)
- 1995 – 2001: Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Missouri S&T (formerly the University of Missouri-Rolla)
- 2001 – 2005: Associate Professor of Chemistry, Missouri S&T (formerly the University of Missouri-Rolla)
- 2005 – present: Professor of Chemistry, Missouri S&T (formerly the University of Missouri-Rolla)
- 2022 – present: Chair & Professor of Chemistry, Missouri S&T (formerly the University of Missouri-Rolla)
- 1989 – 1992: Postdoctoral in Physical Organic Chemistry, Harvard University
- 1987 – 1989: Postdoctoral in Medicinal Chemistry, Northeastern University
- 1987: Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry, Michigan State University
- 1982: B.S. in Chemistry, University of Athens, Greece