Lab News

News stories, recent publications or featured projects.


DJW Featured on S&T Faculty Faces in February

Ella Kadyk, and Kaitlyn Thole, and Kinsey Zimmermann join the lab as First Year Research Experience (FYRE) students


DJW appeared as a guest on Mark Martin’s “Matters Microbial” podcast

Amelia Markwell was featured about her research in the lab over the summer

DJW featured in an Atlas Obscura article on Agar Art

Sarah Fakher earns first place in the oral presentation category of the S&T Graduate Research Showcase

Nicole Militante presents her research at the S&T College of Arts, Sciences, and Education FYRE Showcase

Amelia Markwell and Nicole Militante earn first place in the science poster presentation category of the S&T Undergraduate Research Conference

Amelia Markwell is selected to receive an Opportunities for Undergraduate Research Experience Fellows award

Sarah Fakher successfully defends her MS thesis on “Metal-ion doped Borate Bioactive Glasses- A Novel Direction in Minimizing Healthcare-acquired Infections and the Clinical Emergence of Antibiotic-resistant Genes”

Amelia Markwell presents her research on quorum sensing in the Bradyrhizobium japonicum/soybean symbiosis at the Missouri State Capitol

Sophia (Nicole) Militante joins the lab as a First Year Research Experience (FYRE) student


Teaching with Games, Storytelling, and Humor recorded at ASM Microbe 2023 in Houston

Sarah Fakher earns the Missouri S&T John W. Claypool Fund for Medical Research Fellowship.

Shay Pelfrey earns first place in the Undergraduate Research Conference Sciences Oral Presentation category

Gabrielle Hightower and Shay Pelfrey present their research at the Missouri State Capitol on April 6

Amelia Markwell joins the lab as a First Year Reseach Experience (FYRE) student

Yaroslav Rynza and Brooke McCartney join the lab as undergraduate research students


DJW Named Curators Distinguished Teaching Professor

Sarah Fakher joins the lab as a Masters Thesis student

DJW invited to record a podcast for the BioBuilder Podcast

DJW participated in a panel discussion on “Teaching insights from ASM Carski Award Recipients”

Alex Daniels and Gabrielle Hightower successfully complete their OURE Fellows and Gabrielle selected for OURE Fellows award for the 2022-2023 school year

Natalie Cummins joins the lab at a First Year Reseach Experience (FYRE) student


Alex Daniels and Gabrielle Hightower selected for OURE Fellows award for the 2021-2022 school year

Dave Westenberg named “Microbe of the Year” (NOT) – Fun April Fools joke from the Missouri S&T News staff!

Dr. Westenberg earns the Inaugural Missouri S&T College of Arts, Sciences, and Business, Dean’s Medal

Interview by Dr. Justine Dees for the Joyful Microbe Podcast

Interview by Dr. Jennifer Tsang for the Addgene blog


Published a blog on the Marine Biological Laboratory Microbial Diversity Course for the Small Things Considered website.

Catalina Vega Hurtado defended her MS thesis “Evaluation of the Symbiotic Relation Between Endophyte and Poplar Trees Exposed to Landfill Leachate”

Dr. Westenberg earns the UMSystem President’s Award for Community Engagement

Dr. Westenberg selected to serve as a UMSystem Presidential Engagement Fellow

Plenary lecture for the 2020 ASM Conference for Undergraduate Educators (ASMCUE)

Dr. Westenberg awarded the 2020 ASM Carski Award for Undergraduate Education

Mel Magazine article on corona virus risks from spitting while running (DJW quoted)

Mel Magazine article on individual height and social distancing (DJW quoted)

Dr. Westenberg’s blog for the American Society for Microbiology website describing his approach to teaching.

Interview by Healthline magazine for article on cleaning cell phones (DJW quoted)

Campus PSA message recorded for coronavirus information page

Mel Magazine article on hand washing (DJW quoted)


Dr. Westenberg selected as a finalist for the NCAA Dave Pariser faculty mentor award

Mel Magazine article on getting sick after weddings (DJW quoted)

Mel Magazine article on faking illness (DJW quoted)

Mel Magazine article on microbes in bathrooms (DJW quoted)

Mel Magazine article on house temperatures and illness (DJW quoted)

Mel Magazine article on swimming pool microbes (DJW quoted)

Mel Magazine article on cleaning your hands on surfaces (DJW quoted)


Dr. Westenberg’s TedX Missouri S&T talk on microbes for the TedX YouTube channel.

Article on the website about microbes on credit cards. (DJW quoted)

Dr. Westenberg participated in a panel discussion on science communication at ASMicrobe in Atlanta.

Blog on the HHMI Biointeractive website on using HHMI resource for community engagement.

Interview BY Fidelity Cable Channel 16 on the Missouri S&T public forum on genome editing. (Story begins at around the 5 min. mark)

Blog on the ASM Careers website on ASM’s participation in the USA Science and Engineering Festival.


Dr. Westenberg selected as the Academy of Sciences, St. Louis Science Educator of the Year

US News and World Reports article on “How Could Synthetic Biology Help People With Diabetes. (DJW quoted)

Muscle and Fitness Magazine article on locker room germs. (DJW quoted)

Research on Tap presentation at the Rolla Public House.

ASM Blog on Mentoring through iGEM competition. (DJW quoted)

Story in Science and Technology Research News on the Westenberg lab antibacterial glass research.


Story on Building with Biology Event with Boys and Girls Club of Jefferson City published in the Jefferson City News-Tribune and the Fulton Sun

Building with Biology event for local children on Missouri S&T College of Arts Science and Business Facebook page.

Building with Biology activity with Missouri S&T Summer Solutions for Girls video posted on Missouri S&T College of Arts Science and Business Facebook page.

blog for NISE net on the Summer Solutions for Girls activities.

Summer Solutions blog also appeared on the Building with Biology website.

Blog on the 2016 USA Science and Engineering Festival, for ASM Microbe Magazine.


Missouri S&T Alumni Magazine article on healing glass antimicrobial glass research


Dr. Westenberg is interviewed as part of a video on the 2012 USA Science and Engineering Festival for the American Society for Microbiology Website


New Scientist article on a recently discovered metabolic pathway (DJW quoted)


MSM-UMR Alumnus Magazine article on quorum sensing research


MSM-UMR Alumnus Magazine article on bioactive glass research