
Refereed Publications (*Undergraduate Co-Authors)

Fakher, S., Westenberg, D. 2024 In vitro assessment of the anti-biofilm effectiveness of copper and zinc enhanced borate bioactive glass using processed microscopic images. Ceramics International.

Thapa, K., Liu, W., Zhang, Y., Westenberg, D., Zhou, Y., and Wang, R. 2024 Boosting the power performance of microbial fuel cells by using dual nanomaterial-modified carbon felt electrodes. ACS Energy & Fuels doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.4c03755

Fakher, S., Westenberg, D. 2024. “The anti-biofilm efficacy of copper and zinc doped borate bioactive glasses” Future Microbiol, 1–14.

Xu, L.; Sigler, A.; Chernatynskaya, A.; Rasmussen, L.; Lu, J.; Sahle-Demessie, E.; Westenberg, D. J.; Yang, H.; Shi, H. 2023 “Study of Legionella pneumophilia Treatment with Copper in Drinking Water by Single Cell-ICP-MS” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 14 November, 2023.

Lamba, A., Kopel, J., Westenberg, D.J., and S. Kapila. 2023 “A qualitative investigation of volatile organic components of antimicrobial oil smoke vapors” Adv. Microbiol. 13(1): 76-87

Ramamurthy, S., Kopel, J., Westenberg, D.J., and S. Kapila. 2022 An Initial Report of the antimicrobial activities of volatiles produced during rapid volatilization of oils.  Antibiotics 11:1742.

Han, S., Thapa, K., Liu, W., Westenberg, D., and Wang, R. 2022 Enhancement of electricity production of microbial fuel cells by using DNA nanostructures as electron mediator carriers. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering

Westenberg, D.J., *Viswanathan, R., *Kadyk, D.L., *Hibbs, S. *Kopel, J., and D. Day. 2021. Evaluation of Three Borate-Bioactive Glass Compositions for Antibacterial Applications. Adv. Microbiol. 11(11):646-656

Khanjani, M., Westenberg, D.J., Kumar, A. and Ma, H. 2021. Tuning Polymorphs and Morphology of Microbially Induced Calcium Carbonate: Controlling Factors and Underlying Mechanisms. ACS Omega, 6(18): 11988-12003.

Westenberg D, *Kopel J. 2021. A food microbiology classroom activity to draw connections between microbes and students’ lives. J. Microbiol. Biol. Educ. 22(1): 10.1128/jmbe.v22i1.2119

Gheni, N. and D.J. Westenberg. 2020 Quantitative Real-Time PCR Assay with Immunohistochemical evaluation of HER2/neu Oncogene in Breast Cancer Patients and Correlation with Clinicopathological Findings. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. 63:123-28

Matt A. Limmer, Jordan Wilson, David Westenberg, Amy Lee, Mark Siegman & Joel G. Burken. 2018 Phytoremediation removal rates of benzene, toluene, and chlorobenzene, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 20:7, 666-674

Ottomeyer, M., Mohammadkah, A., Day, D., and D.J. Westenberg. 2016. Broad-Spectrum Antibacterial Characteristics of Four Novel Borate-Based Bioactive Glasses. Adv. Microbiol. 6:776-787

Westenberg, D.J. 2016 “The Engaged Microbiologist: Bringing the Microbiological Sciences to the K-12 Community” Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. (J Microbiol Biol Educ. 2016 Mar; 17(1): 29–31

Yucelen, G. I., *Connell, R. E., Terbush, J. R., Westenberg, D. J. and F. Dogan. 2015 Synthesis and immobilization of silver nanoparticles on aluminosilicate nanotubes and their antibacterial properties. J Applied Nanoscience, 6: 607-614

Fumeaux, C., Bakkou, N, Kopciñska, J, Golinowski, W., Westenberg, D.J., Müller, P., and X. Perret. 2011 Functional analysis of the nifQdctA1y4vGHIJ operon of Sinorhizobium fredii strain NGR234 using a transposon with a NifA-dependent read-out promoter. Microbiology 157:2745-58.

Schneiderheinze J.M., Armstrong D.W., Schulte G. and D.J. Westenberg. 2000. High efficiency separation of microbial aggregates using capillary electrophoresis. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 189:39-44.

Armstrong, D.W., Schulte, G., Schneiderheinze, J.M., and D.J. Westenberg 1999. Separating microbes in the manner of molecules: I. Capillary electrokinetic approaches. Anal. Chem. 71:5465-5469

Westenberg. D. J. and M. L. Guerinot. 1999. Succinate dehydrogenase (Sdh) from Bradyrhizobium japonicum is closely related to mitochondrial Sdh and is sensitive to the agricultural fungicide carboxin. J. Bacteriol. 181:4676-4679

Westenberg, D. J., Braune, A., Ruppert, C., Müller, V., Herzberg, C., Gottschalk, G., and Blaut, M. 1999. The F420H2 dehydrogenase from Methanolobus tindarius: Cloning of the ffd operon and expression of the genes in Escherichia coli. FEMS Microbiol. Lett 170: 389-398

Ozcengiz, G., Kim, J-H, Lin, W. R., Ozcengiz, E., Westenberg, D., Lynd, L. R. and Demain, A. L. 1998. Superiority of the PCR-based approach for cloning the acetate kinase gene of Clostridium thermocellum. J. Industr. Microbiol. Biotech. 21:145-149.

Westenberg, D.J., Gunsalus, R.P., Ackrell, B.A.C., Sices, H. and Cecchini, G. 1993. Escherichia coli fumarate reductase frdC and frdD mutants: Identification of amino acid residues involved in catalytic activity with quinones. J. Biol. Chem. 268:815-822.

Westenberg, D.J., Gunsalus, R.P., Ackrell, B.A.C. and Cecchini, G. 1990. Electron transfer from menaquinol to fumarate: Fumarate reductase anchor polypeptide mutants of Escherichia coli. J. Biol. Chem. 265:19560-19567.

Cecchini, G., Thompson, C.R., Ackrell, B.A.C. , Westenberg, D.J., Dean, N. and Gunsalus, R.P. 1986. Oxidation of reduced menaquinone by the fumarate reductase complex in Escherichia coli requires the hydrophobic FrdD peptide. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83: 8898- 8902.

Refereed Reviews

Fakher, S., Westenberg, D. 2024. “Borate Bioactive Glasses properties: Clinical and Biomedical Applications” Ceramics International, 1–14.

Lamba, A., Kopel, J., Westenberg, D.J., and S. Kapila. 2023 “Fatty Acids, Esters, and Biogenic Oil Disinfectants: Novel Agents against Bacteria” Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings

Westenberg, D. 2019. An introduction to the world of microbes [Video file]. In The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection, Henry Stewart Talks. Retrieved January 6, 2020, from

D.F. Mangan, E.T. Cloyd, J.A. Romo, D.R. Wessner, D.J. Westenberg, E. Adukwu, H. Menninger, J. Gardy. 2018 “Introducing the JMBE Themed Issue on Science Communication” J Microbiol Biol Educ. 19 (1): 10

Westenberg, D.J. 2016 “The Engaged Microbiologist: Bringing the Microbiological Sciences to the K-12 Community” J Microbiol Biol Educ. 17(1): 29–31

Westenberg, D.J. and Chang, A.L. 2015 “The Unseen Microbial World as a Tool for Learning Biology. The American Biology Teacher, 77:320-321.

Westenberg, D.J. 2015 “Microbial Diversity: A Journey Through Woese’s Tree of Life.” J Microbiol Biol Educ.. 16:98-99

D.J. Westenberg, 2007 B. japonicum, Agriculture and the Bacterium, BIOforum Europe, 11:16

Westenberg, D. J. and M. L. Guerinot. 1997. The role of metals in bacterial gene regulation. Adv. Genetics. 36:187-238.

Book Chapters

Burken, J.G., Gilbertson, A.W. and Westenberg, D.J. 2007 “Genetically Enhanced Rhizodegradation for Organic Contaminants”, 09/01/2005-08/31/2006, , L Newman and C. Reynolds”in Plant-Microbe Interactions for Environmental Remediation”, “Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, TX”.

Conference Proceedings

Burken, J.G., Gilbertson, A.W. and Westenberg, D.J. 2007 Bioengineering Impacts on Organic Contaminant Rhizodegradation p. 135-148 In Jiang, Z and Hoogendoorn, J.C: (eds.) BioEco 2007-Session 8: Bioresource and Biodiversity.

Westenberg, D.J. 2002 Evidence for AHL autoinducer production by the soybean symbiont Bradyrhizobium japonicum In Finan et al (eds.), Nitrogen Fixation: Global Perspectives. CABI Publishing, Oxford University Press, Cary, NC

*Gulley, V. and Westenberg, D.J. 2002 Regulation of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum sdh operon encoding succinate dehydrogenase. In Finan et al (eds.), Nitrogen Fixation: Global Perspectives. CABI Publishing, Oxford University Press, Cary, NC

Blaut, M., Deppenmeier, U., Kamlage, B., Westenberg, D., Becher, B., Müller, V., and Gottschalk, G. 1993. Mechanisms of energy conservation in Methanogenic Bacteria. p.171-180. In C. Murrel and D. Kelly (eds.), Microbial Growth on C1 Compounds. Intercept Ltd. Andover, U.K.

Cecchini, G., Ackrell, B.A.C., Johnson, M.K., Werth, M.T., Schröder, I., Westenberg, D.J., and Gunsalus, R.P. 1991. Fumarate reductase from Escherichia coli:  Molecular approaches to the understanding of the function of its prosthetic groups, In Curti, B., Ronch, S and Zanetti, G (eds) Flavins and Flavoproteins 1990. Walter de Gruyter, New York.

Cecchini, G., Westenberg, D.J., Ackrell, B.A.C. and Gunsalus, R.P. 1990. Mutants of Escherichia coli fumarate reductase anchor peptides which affect electron transfer with quinones, pp150-153. In Lenaz, G. Barnabei, O., Rabbi, A. and Battino, M. (eds.), Highlights in Ubiquinone Research. Taylor and Francis, Philadelphia.

Gunsalus, R.P. and Westenberg, D.J., Ackrell, B.A.C. and Cecchini, G. 1987. The Essential Role of the Escherichia coli Fumarate Reductase Frd D Polypeptide in Electron Transport Function. Pp 225-233. In Goheen, S.C. (ed.) Membrane Proteins: Proceedings of the Membrane Protein Symposium. Bio-Rad Laboratories.

Manuscripts submitted or in preparation

Eckenrod, J., Eckenrod,, L.C. and D.J. Westenberg. Cannabinoids are Nutrients. (Submitted to the Journal of Cannabis Research)

Rocha, A, Kopel, J., and D.J. Westenberg. Isolation and Characterization of Symbionts from Crotolaria spectabilis. (Submitted to Research in Microbiology RESMIC-D-22-00716)

Elrod, J. and D.J. Westenberg. Identification and characterization of acyl-homoserine lactone signaling molecules produced by strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum (in revision)

Invited Talks

Lab Presentations

The Plant Whisperers: How Soil Microbes Benefit the Plant Kingdom and Society. Academy of Science Saint Louis lecture. Presented online October 13, 2022

Subterranean Rhizoremediation Blues: Putting Rhizosphere Microbes to Work. Missouri S&T Department of Chemistry, Rolla, MO, October 5, 2020

Subterranean Rhizoremediation Blues: Putting Rhizosphere Microbes to Work. ASM Microbe, Chicago, IL, June 18, 2020 *Presented online July 20, 2020

New Antimicrobial Treatments for 21st Century Medicine, China Medical University, July 4, 2018.

Hot Stuff at Missouri S&T: The Aesthetics and Technical Appeal of Glass. 2015. University of Missouri Board of Curators. April 10, 2015 (along with Richard Brow, Erica Ronchetto, *Rachel Connell, Mary Reidmeyer and *Taylor Davis).

The Plant Whisperers: How Environmental Microbes Tame the Plant Kingdom. 2014 Albrecht Lecture, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, April 23, 2014

Broad spectrum antibacterial properties of metal-ion doped borate bioactive glasses for clinical applications Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, July 3, 2013

Evaluation of Glass and Polymers as Delivery Agents for Antibacterials China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan, July 9, 2013

Broad spectrum antibacterial properties of metal-ion doped borate bioactive glasses for clinical applications Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan, July 10, 2013

Getting to the Root of the Problem: The Role of Symbiotic Bacteria in Rhizoremediation. Missouri University of Science and Technology. Rolla, MO, February 16, 2009.

Bacterial Communication in Symbiosis and Rhizoremediation, Department of Genetics and Biochemistry, Clemson University, Clemson, SC. January 30, 2009.

Bacterial Communication in Symbiosis and Rhizoremediation, Department of Life Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China. December 27, 2007.

Subterranean Rhizoremediation Blues. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri – Rolla. January 22, 2007

Antibacterial Biomaterials And Other New Tools in the Battle Against Infectious Disease. Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Missouri – Rolla, April 18, 2006.

Cell-cell interactions in the Bradyrhizobium japonicum/soybean symbiosis. Institut für Mikrobiologie, Johan von Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, Germany. April 26, 2005

Cell-cell interactions in the Bradyrhizobium japonicum/soybean symbiosis. Fachbereich Biologie, Philipps Universität, Marburg, Germany. January, 19, 2005

A Systems Biology Approach to Bacterial Metabolism. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri – Rolla. October 11, 2004

Bacterium-Bacterium signaling in the Bradyrhizobium japonicum/soybean symbiosis, Department of Biological Sciences, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO Sept. 24, 2004

Bradyrhizobium japonicum-Soybean Symbiosis: Bioenergetics and Applications. Department of Microbiology, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI March 30, 2004

Bradyrhizobium japonicum-Soybean Symbiosis: Bioenergetics and Applications. Department of Microbiology, University of Minnesota, May 6, 2003.

Signals from the Bradyrhizobium japonicum genome sequence. Institute for Microbiology, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland, January 17, 2003.

Fungicide sensitivity of the soybean symbiont Bradyrhizobium japonicum. 5. Göttinger Mikrobiologie-Symposium. June 2, 2000

Bacterial respiratory enzymes in the Bradyrhizobium japonicum/soybean symbiosis. Taiwan Fertilizer Company, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. July 22, 1999.

Bacterial respiratory enzymes in the Bradyrhizobium japonicum/soybean symbiosis. Botany Department and Institute of Molecular Biology, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China. July 20, 1999.

Fumarate reductase from Escherichia coli: Molecular analysis of a model anaerobic electron transport system. Department of Molecular Biology, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, Slovakia. January 14, 1993.

Molecular genetic analysis of energy conservation in methanogenic archaebacteria. Department of Molecular Biology, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, Slovakia. January 13, 1993.

Fumarate reductase from Escherichia coli : Molecular analysis of a model anaerobic electron transport system. Institut für Biochimie, Universität Düsseldorf. May 13, 1992.

Education Presentations

ASM Studio presentation on making microbial connections through humor, games and storytelling during ASMicrobe (6/18/2023)

Teaching Vaccinations and Adaptive Immunity With HHMI BioInteractive. HHMI Biointeractive virtual workshop. Two sessions – 1/9/2023 and 2/7/2023

Using BioInteractive Resources To Explore The World of Viruses. HHMI Biointeractive virtual workshop. Two sessions – 7/25/2022 and 8/16/2022

Outbreaks from History. University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee OSHER course. 5/31/2022

Eavesdropping on the Microbial World. University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee OSHER course. 6/7/2022

Using BioInteractive Resources To Explore The World of Viruses. HHMI Biointeractive virtual workshop. Two sessions – 8/3/2021 and 8/17/2021

Microbes: the Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful. University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee OSHER course. Two sessions – 6/9/2021 and 6/16/2021

Guiding Students to Discover Connections to Our Microbial World. Australian Society for Microbiology, Educon, Presented via Zoom 6/4/2021

Epidemics In A Connected World. Missouri S&T Global Learning Speaker Series 1/27/21

Designer Genes: Innovation and Design Thinking in the Life Sciences. UMSystem OSHER course  1/20/21Student Mental Well-Being Efforts at Missouri S&T. College of Arts, Sciences, and Business Dean’s Leadership Council Fall Meeting. Rolla, MO *Presented via Microsoft Teams 9/30/20

Good Evening Ladies and Germs: Using Humor, Story Telling, and Games To Discover Connections to Our Microbial World. ASM Conference for Undergraduate Educators, Bellevue, WA, July 12, 2020 *Plenary talk presented online July 9, 2020

Using Humor, Story Telling, and Games To Discover Connections to Our Microbial World. ASM Microbe, Chicago, IL, June 18, 2020 *Presented online July 20, 2020 as Carski Award Presentation

COVID-19 – How we can prepare for ourselves for the ongoing epidemic. Missouri S&T, Rolla, MO March 4, 2020

Lessons from the Great Influenza: Public Health Legacy From WWI. Missouri S&T, Rolla, MO November 19, 2019

Me and My’Crobes: Connecting Students of all Ages with Their Inner Selves, ASM Microbe, Atlanta, GA, June 8, 2018

The Effect of Education on the Public Opinion of Synthetic Biology, Biomedical Humanities Symposium, Missouri S&T, Rolla, MO April 11, 2018

Dare to Consider: A World Without Microbes, Missouri S&T TedX, Rolla, MO March 15, 2018

Pairing Multimedia with Primary Literature for Active Learning, Annual Meeting of the Missouri and Missouri Valley Branches of the American Society for Microbiology, Springfield, MO March 18, 2017

Human Electron Transport Chain Activity. American Society for Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators, Bethesda, MD July 23, 2016

Teaching Innovation at Missouri S&T. Missouri College of Arts and Sciences Deans Association Annual Conference, Rolla, MO April 8, 2016 (Along with Katie Shannon)

Biointeractive – Winogradsky Columns. National Association of Biology Teachers, Providence, RI November 12 and 13, 2015

Technology to Achieve Active Learning. 2014. Digital Transformation – Impacts on Research, Science and Teaching” San Francisco, CA, September 12, 2014

Flipping the Microbiology Laboratory to Improve Student Preparation. Missouri S&T Board of Trustees, Rolla, MO April 24, 2014

Synthetic Biology Explained: Benefits, Risks, Ethics. Missouri Food Safety and Food Defense Task Force, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Jefferson City, MO February 9, 2012

K-12 Education and Outreach: what ASM can do for you. Annual meeting of the Missouri Branch of the American Society for Microbiology. St. Louis, MO, April 2, 2011.

The American Society for Microbiology Biology Scholars Program. National Association of Biology Teachers annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November 6, 2010.

Synthetic Biology: Introducing Students to Independent Research Through the International Genetically Engineered Machines (iGEM) Competition. National Association of Biology Teachers annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November 4, 2010.

Reaching out to K-12 Classrooms. General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. San Diego, CA, May 24, 2010

Presentations to Student Organizations

The Plant Whisperers: How Soil Microbes Benefit the Plant Kingdom and Society. EcoMiners Student Organization. November 18, 2022

Not all who wander are lost: pathways to undergraduate research. Missouri S&T Honors Academy, Rolla, MO November 9, 2021

You are not alone: Connecting students to their inner selves, Keynote presentation for the annual MACURH conference hosted by Missouri S&T, November 5, 2021

Me and My’Crobes. Missouri S&T Honors Academy, Rolla, MO November 10, 2020 (Presented 7 other times)

It’s not nice to share: Which virus infects best, zombie, flu, or …? Missouri S&T ZED Talks. Rolla, MO November 7, 2019

There’s a Fungus Among Us. Missouri S&T ZED Talks. Rolla, MO April 26, 2017

You’re not alone, Missouri S&T Trailblazers program, Rolla, MO November 9, 2016

Zombies All Aglow. Missouri S&T ZED Talks. Rolla, MO April 8, 2016

Talking to Germs in German. Global Research Learning Community. University of Missouri – Rolla. September, 2010. (Presented 3 other times)

Last Lecture: What’s so funny about microbiology? Missouri University of Science and Technology. Rolla, MO, November 4, 2009.

Peer Reviewed Abstracts (Presentations and Posters) (Undergraduate* Co-Authors)

Lab Research Presentations

*Serena Austin, *Kent Lin, *John Plihal and *Cera Thomason. 2013 The Role of Soil Bacteria in Phytoremediation of Contaminated Soils. Annual Meeting of the Missouri Branch of the American Society for Microbiology, Kansas City, MO.

Ottomeyer, M.E. and Westenberg, D.J. 2013. Broad Spectrum Antibacterial Properties of Metal-Ion Doped Borate Glass for Medical Applications. Annual Meeting of the Missouri Branch of the American Society for Microbiology, Columbia, MO.

Burken, J.G., Gilbertson, A.W. and Westenberg, D.J. 2007 Plant Biotechnology Breakthroughs in Phytoremediation Bio-Eco 2007-Session 8: Bioresource and Biodiversity; sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, P.R. China, Tianjin, China, June 26 – 28, 2007

Ramamurthy, S., Kapila, S., Westenberg, D.J. 2006. Relative Mutagenicity and Toxicity of Oil Vapors: Potential Microbial Disinfectants. Annual meeting of the Missouri Branch of the American Society for Microbiology.

Park, J.-Y. and D.J. Westenberg. 2005. Iron and heme regulation of the hemA and sdh genes from the soybean symbiont Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Annual meeting of the Missouri Branch of the American Society for Microbiology.

*Reynolds, K.J. and D.J. Westenberg 2002. Quorum sensing in the Bradyrhizobium japonicum/Soybean symbiosis. 18th North American Conference on Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation.

*Gulley, V. and D.J. Westenberg. 2001. Regulation of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum sdh operon encoding succinate dehydrogenase. Annual meeting of the Missouri Branch of the American Society for Microbiology.

*Guss, A. and D.J. Westenberg 2000. Studies of Succinate Dehydrogenase from Bradyrhizobium japonicum Strain USDA 110d. 17th North American Conference on Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation.

*Scheman, D., *Hagan, S., Day, D., and D.J. Westenberg 1999. Evaluation of glass as a delivery agent for antibacterials. Annual meeting of the Missouri Branch of the American Society for Microbiology.

*Moore, M. and D.J. Westenberg 1999. Cloning and sequencing of the nuo operon (coding for NADH dehydrogenase) from Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Annual meeting of the Missouri Branch of the American Society for Microbiology.

Westenberg. D. J. and M. L. Guerinot 1996. Iron and heme regulation of the hemA gene from Bradyrhizobium japonicum is post-transcriptional. West Coast Bacterial Physiologists Annual Asilomar Conference.

David J. Westenberg, and Gerhard Gottschalk. 1992. Nucleotide sequence of the structural gene coding for the 40 kDa subunit of the F420H2 dehydrogenase from Methanolobus tindarius. European Bioenergetics Conference.

Lab Research Posters

Westenberg, D. 2021. Antimicrobial Activity Of Oil Smoke Vapors. World Microbe Forum (ASM Microbe) Virtual.

A. Dowdney, K. Fabrice, T. Dowdney, W. Hao, C. Reeves, Y. Wang, D. Westenberg. 2021 Antiviral Personal Fans: The Development Of A Portable Disinfection/air Purification Device Using 254nm Uvc Light. World Microbe Forum (ASM Microbe) Virtual.

Mohtashami, E., Westenberg, D.J. and Deng, W. 2018. Influence of Essential Nutrient Component Distribution on Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation Distribution. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.

Ottomeyer, M.E. and Westenberg, D.J. 2013. Broad Spectrum Antibacterial Properties of Metal-Ion Doped Borate Glass for Medical Applications. General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Denver, CO.

Rocha, A. and Westenberg, D.J. 2011. Isolation and Characterization of Bacteria Symbionts from Crotolaria spectabilis Grown on TCE Contaminated Soil. General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA.

Westenberg, D.J., Perret, X., P. Müller.  2005.  Development of Transposons for applications in plant associated bacteria. International Symposium of the SFB 593: Mechanisms of Cellular Compartmentalization. Marburg, Germany

*Reynolds, K.J. and D.J. Westenberg 2002. Quorum sensing in the Bradyrhizobium japonicum/Soybean symbiosis. 18th North American Conference on Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation.

D.J. Westenberg. 2001. Evidence for AHL autoinducer production by the soybean symbiont Bradyrhizobium japonicum. 13th International Congress on Biological Nitrogen Fixation

*Gulley, V. and D.J. Westenberg. 2001. Regulation of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum sdh operon encoding succinate dehydrogenase. Annual meeting of the Missouri Branch of the American Society for Microbiology.

*Guss, A. and D.J. Westenberg 2000. Studies of Succinate Dehydrogenase from Bradyrhizobium japonicum Strain USDA 110d. 17th North American Conference on Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation.

*Viswanathan, R., *Hagan, S., *Scheman, D., Day, D., and D.J. Westenberg 2000. Evaluation of glass and polymers as delivery agents for antibacterials. Annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.

Westenberg. D. J. and M. L. Guerinot 1997. Iron and heme regulation of the hemA gene from Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.

*Marston, B., Westenberg. D. J., Levier, K. and M. L. Guerinot 1997. Iron uptake in Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.

Westenberg. D. J. and M. L. Guerinot 1996. Biochemical and molecular analysis of succinate dehydrogenase from Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.

David J. Westenberg, Michael Blaut and Gerhard Gottschalk. 1993. F420H2 dehydrogenase from Methanolobus tindarius: Molecular genetic analysis of an energy conserving system in a methanogenic archaeon. Gordon Conference on Methanogenesis.

Education Presentations

Westenberg, D.J., D. Foster-Hartnett, G. Hunt, J. Torruellas Garcia, K. Lopez-Moreno. Agar art: Hands-on activities for your microbiology classroom. ASM Conference for Undergraduate Educators, Virtual July 14, 2023

Close, P and D. J. Westenberg. Unpacking the CRISPR-Cas9 molecular toolbox. Interface B. Virtual February 24, 2022

Close, P and D. J. Westenberg. Covid and beyond! Exploring the World of Viruses. Interface B. Virtual February 23, 2022

Close, P and D. J. Westenberg, Unlocking the CRISPR-Cas9 Toolbox, Science Teachers of Missouri – Virtual, September 25, 2021

Close, P and D. J. Westenberg. Covid and Beyond: Exploring the World of Viruses, Science Teachers of Missouri – Virtual, September 25, 2021

Westenberg, D.J. Quantifying and Modeling the Role of Microbes in Biogeochemical Cycles with HHMI Biointeractive. ASM Conference for Undergraduate Educators, July 1, 2021 Close, P and D.J. Westenberg 2021 Scientist Role Models. InterfaceB, Virtual, February 18, 2021

Close, P and D.J. Westenberg. How Science Works. InterfaceB, Virtual, February 17, 2021

Westenberg, D.J. Quantifying and Modeling the Role of Microbes in Biogeochemical Cycles. ASM Conference for Undergraduate Educators, Bellevue, WA, July 12, 2020 *Cancelled due to COVID-19 travel restrictions

Westenberg, D.J. Engaging Students to Ask Scientific Questions through the Use of Videos, Images and Data, ASM Conference for Undergraduate Educators, Tysons, VA, August 1, 2019.

Westenberg, D.J. Engaging Students to Ask Scientific Questions through the Use of Videos, Images and Data, Teaching and Learning Technology Conference, Rolla, MO March 14, 2019

Westenberg, D.J.. HHMI’s Interactive Winogradsky Column: Linking Ecosystems to Metabolism. National Association of Biology Teachers Conference, San Diego, CA November 9, 2018.

Westenberg, D.J.. Using the Biointeractive “Gutless Wonders” Video to Engage Students in Hypothesis Generation and Experimental Design. ASM Conference for Undergraduate Educators, Austin, TX, July 27, 2018.

Westenberg, D.J.. BioBuilder – Bringing Science and Technology problem solving into the K-12 and undergraduate classroom. National Association of Biology Teachers Conference, St. Louis, MO November 11, 2017

Westenberg, D.J. HHMI Biointeractive’s “Scientists at Work” Video Series and Accompanying Resources Use Creative Storytelling and Active Learning Exercises to Foster Understanding of the Scientific Method. National Association of Biology Teachers Conference, St. Louis, MO November 11, 2017

Dantas, G., Lontok, K. and Westenberg, D.J. Combatting Superbugs Across Habitats. National Association of Biology Teachers Conference, St. Louis, MO November 10, 2017

Westenberg, D.J. Pairing Multimedia with Primary Literature for Active Learning, Focus on Teaching and Technology Conference, St. Louis, MO September 28, 2017

Westenberg, D.J. Pairing Multimedia with Primary Literature for Active Learning, American Society for Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators, Denver, CO July 29, 2017

Westenberg, D.J. Pairing Multimedia with Primary Literature for Active Learning, Teaching and Learning Technology Conference, Rolla, MO March 16, 2017

Westenberg, D.J. Teaching Partners. American Society for Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators, Bethesda, MD July 23, 2016

Westenberg, D.J. and Conneely, B. Wildcam Gorongosa (HHMI BioInteractive): A Citizen Science Project and Online Data Lab. American Society for Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators, Bethesda, MD July 22, 2016

Westenberg, D.J. Using Available Online Resources to Facilitate the Flipped Classroom and Increase Student Engagement. Teaching and Learning Technology Conf., March 18, Rolla, MO

Westenberg, D.J. Hands-on synthetic biology in the classroom. ASM Conference on Undergraduate Education, Austin, TX

Westenberg, D.J. BioBuilder – Bringing Science and Technology problem solving into the K-12 and undergraduate classroom. Teaching and Learning Technology Conference, Rolla, MO

Westenberg, D.J. , Mixter, P., Gyure, R, Martin, M. That’s EDUtainment. ASM Conference on Undergraduate Education, Boston, MA

Westenberg, D.J. Flipping the Microbiology Laboratory to Improve Student Preparation and Increase Student Interaction. Teaching and Learning Technology Conference, Rolla, MO

Westenberg, D.J. Integrated Math and Science Education Through Science Education and Quantitative Literacy (SEQL). NSTA National Conference. San Antonio, TX,

Westenberg, D.J. Tips and Tools for K-12 Outreach. ASM Conference on Undergraduate Education, Baltimore, MD

Westenberg, D.J. and Gull, K.A. Online with the American Society for Microbiology: Resources and Programs for Educators at all levels. National Association of Biology Teachers annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN

Westenberg, D.J. Microbial Literacy and the ASM Biology Scholars Program. Annual meeting of the Missouri Branch of the American Society for Microbiology.

Education Posters

Westenberg, D.J. 2013. ASM’s K-12 Outreach: Connecting the Past and Present with the Future of Microbiology. ASM Conference on Undergraduate Education. Denver, CO.

Westenberg, D.J. and Shannon, K. 2012 The Positive Impact of Synthetic Biology in the Biology Curriculum. 14th Annual Danforth Center Fall Symposium: Exploration in Synthetic and Systems Biology, St. Louis, MO.

Westenberg, D.J. 2012. ASM’s K-12 Outreach: Connecting and Raising Awareness. ASM Conference on Undergraduate Education. San Mateo, CA.

Westenberg, D.J. 2011. Where the Microbes Are: American Society for Microbiology Resources Linking Microbiology Professionals with Educators at all Levels. National Association of Biology Teachers annual meeting, Anaheim, CA

Westenberg, D.J. and Chang, A. 2011.Reaching Out to the K-12 Community: A Survey of ASM Membership Involvement in K-12 Outreach. General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA.

Westenberg, D.J. 2011. K-12 Education and Outreach: What ASM Can Do For You. ASM Conference on Undergraduate Education. Baltimore, MD.

Westenberg, D.J. 2008. Teaching Microbial Diversity through Internet Diversity. ASM Conference on Undergraduate Education, Endicott College, Beverly, MA May 29-June1, 2008.

Symposia Organized

Microbial Solutions to Grand Challenges Through Team Science. 2020. Schedule for ASM Microbe in Chicago. Cancelled due to Covid.

The American Society for Microbiology Presents: Combatting Superbugs Across Habitats. 2017. National Association of Biology Teachers Annual meeting, St. Louis, MO

The American Society for Microbiology Presents: Vectors of Disease. 2016. National Association of Biology Teachers Annual meeting, Denver, CO

The American Society for Microbiology Presents: A Constructive Approach to Biology. 2015. National Association of Biology Teachers Annual meeting, Providence, RI

The American Society for Microbiology Presents: Biosafety in the Classroom. 2015. National Association of Biology Teachers Annual meeting, Providence, RI

The American Society for Microbiology Presents: ASM and the Clinical Microbiologists. 2014. National Association of Biology Teachers Annual meeting, Cleveland OH.

The American Society for Microbiology Presents: ASM and the CDC: Partners in Safety. 2013. National Association of Biology Teachers Annual meeting, Atlanta, GA

American Society for Microbiology (ASM) and NASA: Microbes and Spaceflight. 2013. National Science Teachers Association annual meeting, San Antonio, TX.

The American Society for Microbiology Presents: Evolution and the Extremes. 2012. National Association of Biology Teachers annual meeting, Dallas, TX.

The American Society for Microbiology Going Viral Symposium. 2011. National Association of Biology Teachers annual meeting, Anaheim, CA.

The American Society for Microbiology Presents: A Taste of Microbiology. 2011. National Science Teachers Association annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.

The American Society for Microbiology Presents: Microbes at Work. 2010. National Association of Biology Teachers annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN.

The Benefits of K-12 Outreach in Higher Education. General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. San Diego, CA, May 26, 2010.

Invited Blogs

An Enlightening Evening To Remember (A blog about the Woods Hole Microbial Diversity Course for “Small Things Considere”)

Making Microbial Connections Through the Use of Humor, Games and Storytelling in Teaching

BioInteractive Resources for Public Engagement with Science

ASM and the 2018 USA Science and Engineering Festival

NISE Net Building with Biology Blog

ASM and the 2016 USA Science and Engineering Festival