

Imagining Tomorrow’s Bread: Cli-Fi and Restorative Work in Nature (in progress)

Breakfast Cereal: A Global History (Reaktion Press/ University of Chicago Press, Edible Series, 2023)

Translated into Chinese (China Worker Publishing House, 2023), Japanese (Hara Shobo Co Ltd, 2023), and Arabic (Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism)

Cattle Country: Livestock in the Cultural Imagination (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, At Table Series, 2021)

Beyond the Fruited Plain: Food and Agriculture in U.S. Literature, 1850-1905 (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2014)

 Virginia Faulkner Fund Publication Assistance Award, December 2014

Edited collections:

Thoreau and the Nick of Time, co-edited with John Kucich and Henrik Otterberg (Mercer University Press, 2025)

Peer-reviewed Articles:

“New Orleans Coffee in The Awakening: The Legacy of Rose Nicaud,” American Literary Realism 55.1 (Fall 2022): 52-62.

“Cattle and Sovereignty in the Work of Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins” American Indian Quarterly 44.1 (Winter 2020): 86-114.

“Her Daily Bread: Food and Labor in Louisa May Alcott” American Literary Realism 48.1 (Fall 2015): 40-57.

“‘A Safe Drink for All Constitutions’: Beecher’s Waters of Reform” Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 42.8 (November 2013): 936-955.

“Crisis in the Gulf of Mexico: Discourse, Policy, and Governance in Postcatastrophe Environments,” 2nd Author, Journal of Applied Social Science 6.2 (September 2012): 133-148.

“A ‘Mighty World-Force’: Wheat as Natural Corrective in Norris,” Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 19.2 (Spring 2012): 295-316.

 “Thoreau’s ‘Grossest Groceries’: Diet Reform in Walden and Wild Fruits,” ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 56.2 (Summer 2010): 162-191.

Book Chapters and Introductions:

“The Remediated World of Thoreau: A Joyful Active Learning Project,” Thoreau and the Nick of Time, ed. John Kucich, Henrik Otterberg, and Kathryn Dolan (under contract with Mercer University Press)

“Agriculture in U.S. Literature,” A Companion to American Agricultural History, ed. R. Douglas Hurt (New York: Wiley Press, 2022)

Selected as one of the Best Historical Materials of 2022 by the Best Historical Materials Committee, in affiliation with the American Library Association

“Consuming Cultures,” co-authored introduction to special issue of Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 52.2 (Fall 2019): 5-13.

“Eating Moose: Thoreau, Regional Cuisine, and National Identity” Rediscovering the Maine Woods, ed. John Kucich (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2019), 123-138.

“Diet and Vegetarianism,” Henry David Thoreau in Context, ed. James Finley (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017), 216-224.

“Fugitive Environmentalisms,” co-authored introduction to special issue of Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 49.1 (Spring 2016): 7-24.

 “Communicating Food through Muckraking: Ethics, Food Engineering, and Culinary Realism,” Communication Practices in Engineering, Manufacturing, and Research for Food and Water Safety, ed. David Wright (Hoboken, NJ: IEEE/Wiley, 2015), 171-187.

A detailed list of my publications can be accessed via