To view Dr. El-adaway’s scholarly profile and latest articles, visit his Google Scholar page.
Peer-reviewed Journal Papers
- Shiha, Ahmed, Mariam Elazhary, and Islam El-adaway. (2025). “Advancing Application of Price Adjustment Clauses in Transportation Projects through Enhanced Understanding of Volatility Associated With Pricing Construction Materials”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Jezzini, Yasser, Rayan H. Assaad, and Islam El-adaway. (2025). “ Allocating the Risks of Price Escalations in Construction Projects by Integrating Bargaining Game Theory and Probabilistic Bayesian Modeling”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Salih, Fareed and Islam El-adaway. (2025). “Exploring the Adoption of Construction Technologies in Infrastructure Projects: Bridging Perceptions with Real Project Data”, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Shiha, Ahmed and Islam El-adaway. (2025) “Localized Multivariate Statistical Assessment of United States Construction Labor Shortages”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Chammout, Bahaa and Islam El-adaway. (2025). “Circular Economy in Construction: Exploring Decision-Making Factors and Future Research Avenues”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Chammout, Bahaa and Islam El-adaway. (2025). “Understanding the Underlying Trends in US Construction Labor Wages: A Data-Driven Mixed-Methods Computational Approach”, Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Chammout, Bahaa, Muaz Ahmed, and Islam El-adaway. (2024). “Assessing the Critical Factors Influencing Worker Safety in Roadway Work Zones”, Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Shiha, Ahmed and Islam El-adaway. (2024). “Forecasting Construction Material Prices Using Macroeconomic Indicators of Trading Partners”, Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Khalef, Ramy and Islam El-adaway. (2024). “Performance of Project Delivery Methods for US Airport Projects: A Holistic Quantitative Risk-Based Assessment through Perceptions of Associated Industry Experts”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management , The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Eissa, Radwa and Islam El-adaway. (2024). “Circular Economy Integration in LEED : A Decade of Materials and Resources Credit Achievement Patterns”, Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Ali, Gasser, Islam H. El-adaway, Muaz O. Ahmed, Radwa Eissa, Mohamad Abdul Nabi, Tamima Elbashbishy and Ramy Khalef (2024), “Forecasting Future Research Trends in the Construction Engineering and Management Domain using Machine Learning and Social Network Analysis”, Modelling, MDPI.
- Chammout, Bahaa, Islam H. El-adaway, Mohamad Abdul Nabi, and Rayan H. Assaad. (2024). “Price Escalation in Construction Projects: Examining National and International Contracts”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Russell, Jeffrey, Islam El-adaway, Ramy Khalef, Fareed Salih, and Gasser Ali. (2024). “The Construction-Related Project Management Evolution and Its Future Research Directions” Journal Engineering, Construction, and Architectural Management , Emerald Publishing.
- Saad, Ali and Islam El-adaway. (2024). “The Role of the Metaverse in Transforming the Management Skillset of Construction Practitioners”, Journal of Management in Engineering , The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Elazhary, Mariam, Ahmed Shiha, Islam H. El-adaway, and Sammi Young, “Quantitative Assessment of the Architect’s Role Under US Standard Construction Contracts: A Graph Theory Approach”, Journal of Management in Engineering , The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Eissa, Radwa and Islam El-adaway. (2024). “Accelerating the Circular Economy Transition: A Construction Value Chain-Structured Portfolio of Strategies and Implementation Insights”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Salih, Fareed and Islam El-adaway. (2024). “Quantifying the Impact of Technology Utilization on Schedule and Cost Performance in Construction Projects”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Khalef, Ramy and Islam El-adaway. (2024). “Investigating Causes of Disputes Resulting in Litigation in Airport Development Projects in the United States Using Graph-Based Techniques”, Journal of Management in Engineering , The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Abdul Nabi, Mohamad, Islam El-adaway, and Rayan H. Assaad. (2024). “Modeling Inflation Transmission Among Different Construction Materials”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management , The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Eissa, Radwa, Mohamad Abdul Nabi, and Islam El-adaway. (2024). “Risk-Reward Share Allocation Under Different Integrated Project Delivery Relational Structures: A Monte-Carlo Simulation and Cooperative Game Theoretic Solutions Approach”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management , The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Ahmed, Muaz, Islam El-adaway, and Aubrie Caldwell. (2024). “Comprehensive Understanding of Factors Impacting Competitive Construction Bidding”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers
- Ali, Gasser and Islam El-adaway. (2024). “Distributed Solar Generation: Current Knowledge and Future Trends”, Journal of Infrastructure Systems , The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Eissa, Radwa and Islam El-adaway. (2024). “Circular Economy Policies for Decarbonization of US Commercial Building Stocks: A Data Integration and System Dynamics Coflow Modeling Approach”, Journal of Management in Engineering , The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Salih, Fareed, Radwa Eissa, and Islam El-adaway. (2024). “Data-Driven Analysis of Progressive Design Build in Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Projects”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management , The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Abdul Nabi, Mohamad, Rayan Assaad, and Islam El-adaway. (2024). “Modeling and Understanding Dispute Causation in the US Public-Private-Partnership Projects”, Journal of Infrastructure Systems , The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Chammout, Bahaa, Muaz Ahmed, Islam El-adaway, and William Lieser. (2024). “A Holistic Approach for Exploring the Root Factors of Work Zone Accidents”, Journal of Management in Engineering , The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Elbashbishy, Tamima and Islam El-adaway. (2024). “Construction Labor Shortage: Analyzing Labor Intensive Trades”, Journal of Management in Engineering , The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Abdul Nabi, Mohamed, Amr El-Sayegh, and Islam El-adaway. (2023). “Understanding Collaboration Requirements for Modular Construction and Their Cascading Failure Impact on Project Performance”, Journal of Management in Engineering , The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Khalef, Ramy and Islam El-adaway. (2023). “Advancing Airport Project Delivery: A Comparison of Design-Build and Traditional Methods in Terms of Schedule and Cost Performance”, Journal of Management in Engineering , The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Elbashbishy, Tamima and Islam El-adaway. (2023). “System Dynamic Modeling to Study the Impact of Construction Industry Characteristics and Associated Macroeconomic Indicators on Workforce Size and Labor Retention Rate”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management , The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Ahmed, Muaz O., and Islam El-adaway. (2023). “Data Driven Analysis of Construction Bidding Stage-Related Causes of Disputes”, Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam, Gasser Ali, Radwa Eissa, Mohamad Abdul Nabi, Muaz O. Ahmed, Tamima Elbashbishy and Ramy Khalef (2022), “Journal of construction management and economics 40th anniversary: investigating knowledge structure and evolution of research trends”, Construction Management and Economics, Taylor and Francis.
- Ali, Gasser, Islam El-adaway, Charles Sims, J. Scott Holladay, and Chien- fei Chen (2022), “Improving the Resilience of Electric Power Infrastructure Against Natural Disasters by Promoting Distributed Generation”, Natural Hazards Review, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Assaad, Rayan, Islam El-adaway, Mark Hastak, and Kim La Scola Needy. (2022). “Factors Affecting Labor Productivity in Offsite Construction Projects”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Khalef, Ramy and Islam El-adaway. (2022). “Identifying Design-Build Decision-Making Factors and Providing Future Research Guidelines”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Ahmed, Muaz and Islam El-adaway. (2022). “An Integrated Game-Theoretic and Reinforcement Learning Modeling for Multi-Stage Construction and infrastructure Bidding”. Journal of Construction Management and Economics, Taylor and Francis.
- El-adaway Islam, Mohamad Abdul Nabi, Ramy Khalef, Tamima Elbashbishy, Gasser Ali, Radwa Eissa, and Muaz Ahmed. (2022). “Graduate Recruitment Offers: Ethical and Professional Considerations for Engineering Graduate Students and Faculty Members”. Ethics and Behavior, Taylor and Francis.
- Ali, Gasser, Islam El-adaway, Charles Sims, J. Scott Holladay, and Chien-fei Chen. (2022). “Policies and Incentives for Promoting Distributed Solar Generation: Impact on Electric Power Infrastructure”. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam and Marianne Jennings. (2022). “Professional and Organizational Leadership Role in Ethics Management: Mitigating Ethical Codification and Supporting Ethical Culture”. Science and Engineering Ethics, Springer.
- Assaad, Rayan, Islam El-adaway, Mark Hastak, and Kim La Scola Needy. (2022). “The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Catalyst and Accelerator for Offsite Technologies”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Mutikanga, Harrison, Mohamad Abdul Nabi, Gasser Ali, Islam El-adaway, and Aubrie Caldwell. (2022). “Post-Award Construction and Contract Management of Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Hydropower Projects: Two Case Studies from Uganda”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Ali, Gasser, Islam El-adaway, Charles Sims, J. Scott Holladay, and Chien-fei Chen. (2022). “Studying Dynamic Pricing in Electrical Power Markets with Distributed Generation: Agent-Based Modeling and Reinforcement Learning Approach”. Journal of Energy Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Assaad, Rayan, Islam El-adaway, Mark Hastak, and Kim La Scola Needy. (2022). “Quantification of the State of Practice of Offsite Construction: Current Trends and Future Prospects”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Assaad, Rayan, Islam El-adaway, Mark Hastak, and Kim La Scola Needy. (2022). “The Impact of Offsite Construction on the Workforce: Required Skillset and Prioritization of Training Needs”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Abdul Nabi, Mohamed and Islam El-adaway. (2022). “A Proactive Risk Assessment Framework to Maximize Schedule Benefits of Modularization in Construction Projects”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Elbashsbishy, Tamima, Gasser Ali, and Islam El-adaway. (2022). “Future Research Directions Related to the Factors and their Associated Categories Affecting Blockchain Utilization in the Construction Industry”. Journal of Construction Management and Economics, Taylor and Francis.
- El-Sayegh, Amr and Islam El-adaway. (2022). “Quantitative Holistic Assessment of Implementing Collaborative Planning Practices”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Khalef, Ramy, Gasser Ali, Islam El-adaway¸ and Ghada Gad. (2022). “Managing Construction Projects Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Contractual Perspective”. Journal of Construction Management and Economics, Taylor and Francis.
- Ahmed, Muaz, Rayan Assaad, Islam El-adaway, Emily Echele, Kyle Govro, and John Watson. (2022). “Administering Change Orders: The Case Study of Ohio Department of Transportation”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Ahmed, Muaz, Islam El-adaway, and Kalyn Coatney. (2022). “Solving the Negative Earnings Dilemma of Multi-Stage Bidding in Public Construction and Infrastructure Projects: A Game Theory Based Approach”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Abdul Nabi, Mohamed and Islam El-adaway. (2022). “Understanding Dispute Causation Mechanism in Modular Construction Projects”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Assaad, Rayan, Muaz Ahmed, Islam El-adaway, and Pramen Shrestha. (2022). “Management of Change Orders for Infrastructure Transportation Projects”. Journal of Practice Periodical in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Al-Mhdawi, Mohammed, Mario Pitro, Mohamad Abdul Nabi, Islam El-adaway, and Bhakti Onggo. (2022). “Capturing the Impact of COVID-19 on Construction Projects of Developing Countries: A Case Study of Iraq”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Assaad, Rayan and Islam El-adaway. (2021). “Stock Prices of Architectural, Engineering, and Construction Firms as Leading Economic Indicator: A Computational Deep-Learning Econometrics Model to Complement the Architecture Billings Index”. Journal of Architectural Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Ahmed, Muaz, Mohamad Abdul Nabi, Islam El-adaway, Dustin Caranci, Jackson Eberle, Zakhary Hawkins, and Ross Sparrow. (2021). “Mitigating Slow Adoption of Integrated Project Delivery: A Case Study Approach”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Abdul Nabi, Mohamed and Islam El-adaway. (2021). “A Risk-Based Approach to Predict the Cost Performance of Modularization on Construction Projects”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Ahmed, Muaz, Ramy Khalef, Gasser Ali, and Islam El-adaway. (2021). “Tunnel Condition Assessment and Prediction Using Computational Machine Learning Algorithms”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Khalef, Ramy and Islam El-adaway. (2021). “Automated Identification of Substantial Contractual Changes within Construction Projects of Airport Improvement Program”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-Sayegh, Amr and Islam El-adaway. (2021). “Collaborative Planning Index: A Novel Comprehensive Benchmark for Collaboration in Construction Projects”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Abdul Nabi, Mohamed and Islam El-adaway. (2021). “Understanding the Key Risks Affecting Cost and Schedule Performance of Modular Construction Projects”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Ali, Gasser, Ramy Khalef, Islam El-adaway, Mohamed Eid, Troy Kahle, Cassandra Funke, Martin Vaupel, and Austin Nault. (2021). “Joint Venture Agreements of Construction and Professional Services: Comparative Contractual Analysis and Guidelines”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Abdul Nabi, Mohamad, and Islam El-adaway. (2021). “Understanding the Key Risks Affecting Cost and Schedule Performance of Modular Construction Projects”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Eid, Mohamed and Islam El-adaway. (2021). “Discussion of: Multiobjective Optimization of Postdisaster Reconstruction Processes for Ensuring Long Term Socioeconomic Benefits”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Assaad, Rayan and Islam El-adaway. (2021). “Determining Critical Combinations of Safety Fatality Causes Using Spectral Clustering and Computational Data Mining Algorithms”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-Sayegh, Amr and Islam El-adaway. (2021). “Holistic Study and Analysis of Factors Affecting Collaborative Planning in Construction”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Assaad, Rayan and Islam El-adaway. (2021). “Guidelines for Responding to COVID-19 Pandemic: Best Practices, Impacts, and Future Research”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Assaad, Rayan and Islam El-adaway, Keegan Baxmeyer, Mikala Harman, Levi Job, and Hannah Lashley. (2021). “Allocation of Risks and Responsibilities in Green and Sustainable Buildings”. Journal of Architectural Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Abdul Nabi, Mohamed, Gasser Ali, Islam El-adaway, Louis Garza, Samuel Tichy, and Jacob Girse. (2021). “Contractual Guidelines for Substantial Completion under the National Design-Build Standard Forms of Contract”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Assaad, Rayan, Muaz Ahmed, Islam El-adaway, Amr Elsayegh, and Venkata Nadendla. (2021). “Impact of Learning in Construction Bidding Decision-Making Processes: A Comparative Algorithmic Game Theory based Approach”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Assaad, Rayan, Islam El-adaway, Mark Hastak, and Kim La Scola Needy. (2021). “Commercial and Legal Considerations of Offsite Construction Projects and their Hybrid Transactions”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Assaad, Rayan and Islam El-adaway. (2021). “Studying the Impact of Dynamic Workforce and Workplace Variables on the Productivity of the Construction Industry: A New Gross Construction Productivity Indicator”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Assaad, Rayan, Islam El-adaway, Ayman El-Hakea, Matthew Parker, Tyler Henderson, Christopher Salvo, and Muaz Ahmed. (2020). “Comparative Analysis of Contractual Perspective for Using BIM in Construction Projects”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Khalef, Ramy, Islam El-adaway, Rayan Assaad, and Niame Keta. (2020). “Contract Risk Management: A Comparative Study of Risk Allocation in Exculpatory Clauses and Their Legal Treatment”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Abdul Nabi, Mohamed and Islam El-adaway. (2020). “Modular Construction: Determining Decision-Making Factors and Future Research Needs”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Assaad, Rayan and Islam El-adaway. (2020). “Bridge Management System: A Machine Learning Based Approach for Evaluating and Predicting Deck Deterioration Conditions in Missouri”. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Ali, Gasser and Islam El-adaway. (2020). “Studying the Relationship between the Electric Power Sector Development and the Socio-Economic Parameters: A Statistical Analysis Approach”. Journal of Energy Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Assaad, Rayan and Islam El-adaway. (2020). “Evaluation and Prediction of the Hazard Potential Level of Dams Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Ibrahim, Michael, Awad Hanna, Jeffrey Russell, Ibrahim Abotaleb, and Islam El-adaway. (2020). “Quantitative Analysis of the Impacts of Out-of-Sequence Work on Project Performance”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Abdul Nabi, Mohamed, Islam El-adaway, Sara Fayek, Cabot Howell, and John Gambatese. (2020). “Contractual Guidelines for Construction Safety-Related Issues under Design-Build Standard Forms of Contract”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-Sayegh, Amr, Islam El-adaway, Rayan Assaad, Gasser Ali, Ibrahim Abotaleb, Christopher Smith, Mustafa Bootwala, and Seif Eteifa. (2020). “Contractual Guidelines for Management of Infrastructure Transportation Projects”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Ibrahim, Michael, Awad Hanna, Jeffrey Russell, Ibrahim Abotaleb, and Islam El-adaway. (2020). “Comprehensive Analysis of Factors Associated with Out-of-Sequence Construction”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Assaad, Rayan, Gasser Ali, Amr Elsayegh, and Islam El-adaway. (2020). “Back-to-Back Relationship under Standard Subcontract Agreements: A Comparative Study”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Assaad, Rayan and Islam El-adaway. (2020). “Enhancing Knowledge of Construction Business Failure: A Social Network Analysis Approach”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Sexton, Dana, Islam El-adaway, Mohamed Abdul Nabi, and Ayman El-Hakea. (2020). “Using the Simplified Acquisition of Base Engineer Requirements (SABER) in Construction Projects: Contract Administration Guidelines”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Abotaleb, Ibrahim, Islam El-adaway, Michael Ibrahim, Awad Hanna, and Jeffrey Russell. (2020). “Developing Rating Score for Out-of-Sequence Construction”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Assaad, Rayan, Islam El-adaway, and Ibrahim Abotaleb. (2020). “Predicting Project Performance in the Construction Industry”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam, Charles Sims, Mohamed Eid, Yinan Liu, and Gasser Ali. (2020). “Preliminary Attempt towards Better Understanding the Impact of Distributed Energy Generation: An Agent-Based Computational Economics Approach”. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam, Gasser Ali, Ibrahim Abotaleb, and Herbert Barber. (2020). “Studying the Relationship between Stock Prices of Publically Traded US Construction Companies and Gross Domestic Product: A Preliminary Step towards Construction-Economic Nexus”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Fawzy, Salwa, Islam El-adaway, Louis Perreau-Saussine, Mohamed Abdel Wahab and Tarek Hamed. (2019). “Provisions of Unforeseeable Physical Conditions under FIDIC (CONS) and under Egyptian Civil Law – A Comparative Analysis”. Construction Law International, International Bar Association.
- El-adaway, Islam, Ricky Vance, and Ibrahim Abotaleb. (2019). “Understanding Extension of Time under Different Standard Design-Build Forms of Contract”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Abotaleb, Ibrahim, Islam El-adaway, Ibrahim, Michael, Awad Hanna, and Jeffrey Russell. (2019). “Causes, Early Warning Signs, and Impacts of Out-of-Sequence Construction: Expert-Based Survey Analysis”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam, Gasser Ali, Rayan Assaad, Amr Elsayegh, and Ibrahim Abotaleb. (2019). “Analytic Overview of the Citation Metrics in the Civil Engineering Domain with Focus on the Specialty Area and its Sub-Disciplines”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam, Ibrahim Abotaleb, Roderick Mohler, Jesse Sheffler, Hayley Fuller, and Cristian Orozco. (2019). “Contractual Implications of Environmental Compliance Requirements in Construction Projects”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Abotaleb, Ibrahim, Islam El-adaway, and Mohamed Moussa. (2019). “Guidelines for Administering Owner’s Non-Payment Obligations under National and International Design-Build Standard Forms of Contract”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Fawzy, Salwa, Islam El-adaway, Louis Perreau-Saussine, Mohamed Abdel Wahab, and Tarek Hamed. (2019). “Civil Law Context for Understanding Employer’s Payment Obligations under Common Law FIDIC”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Eid, Mohamed, Emad Elbeltagi, and Islam El-adaway. (2018). “Simultaneous Multi-Criteria Optimization for Scheduling Linear Infrastructure Projects”. International Journal of Construction Management, Taylor and Francis.
- Fawzy, Salwa, Islam El-adaway, Louis Perreau-Saussine, Mohamed Abdel Wahab and Tarek Hamed. (2018). “Analyzing Termination for Convenience Provisions under Common Law FIDIC Using a Civil Law Perspective”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Abotaleb, Ibrahim and Islam El-adaway. (2018). “Managing Construction Projects through Dynamic Modeling: Reviewing Existing Body of Knowledge and Deriving Future Research Directions”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Fawzy, Salwa, Islam El-adaway, Louis Perreau-Saussine, Mohamed Abdel Wahab and Tarek Hamed. (2018). “Claims for Extension of Time and Additional Payment under Common Law FIDIC: Civil Law Analysis”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Abotaleb, Ibrahim and Islam El-adaway. (2018). “First Attempt towards a Holistic Understanding of the Interdependent Rippled Impacts Associated with Out-of-Sequence Work in Construction Projects: A System Dynamics Modeling Approach”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Eid, Mohamed and Islam El-adaway. (2018). “Decision Making Framework for Holistic Sustainable Disaster Recovery: An Agent Based Approach for Decreasing Vulnerabilities of the Associated Communities”. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam, Ibrahim Abotaleb, and Eric Vechan. (2018). “Identifying the Most Critical Transportation Intersections Using Social Network Analysis”. Journal of Transportation Planning and Technology, Taylor and Francis.
- El-adaway, Islam, Ibrahim Abotaleb, Mohamed Eid, Samuel May, Lauren Netherton, and Jonathan Vest. (2018). “Contract Administration Guidelines for Public Infrastructure Projects in the United States and Saudi Arabia: A Comparative Analysis Approach”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Eteifa, Seif and Islam El-adaway. (2018). “Using Social Network Analysis to Model Root Causes of Fatalities in Construction Industry”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam. (2017). “Review of Construction Contract Claims, Changes, and Dispute Resolution”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Akroush, Noor and Islam El-adaway. (2017). “Utilizing Construction Leading Safety Indicators: The Case Study of Tennessee”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam, Ibrahim Abotaleb, and Seif Eteifa. (2017). “Framework for Multi-Party Relational Contracting”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Eid, Mohamed and Islam El-adaway. (2017). “Agent Based Modeling for Disaster Recovery: Integrating the Social Vulnerability of Host Communities and the Objective Functions of Associated Stakeholders”. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam, Ibrahim Abotaleb, and Eric Vechan. (2017). “Social Network Analysis Approach for Improved Transportation Planning”. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Abotaleb, Ibrahim and Islam El-adaway. (2017). “Administering Employer’s Payment Obligations under National and International Design-Build Standard Forms of Contract”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam, Salwa Fawzy, Hunter Burrell and Noor Akroush. (2017). “Studying Payment Provisions under National and International Standard Forms of Contracts”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Eid, Mohamed and Islam El-adaway. (2017). “Sustainable Disaster Recovery Decision-Making Support Tool: Integrating Economic Vulnerability into the Objective Functions of the Associated Stakeholders”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Eid, Mohamed and Islam El-adaway. (2017). “Sustainable Disaster Recovery: Multi-Agent Based Model for Integrating Environmental Vulnerability into Decision Making Processes of the Associated Stakeholders”. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Abotaleb, Ibrahim and Islam El-adaway. (2017). “Construction Bidding Markup Estimation using Multi-Stage Decision Theory Approach”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam, Salwa Fawzy, Thomas Allard, and Austin Runnels. (2016). “Change Order Provisions under National and International Standard Forms of Contracts”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam, Salwa Fawzy, Muaz Ahmed, and Rob White. (2016). “Administering Extension of Time under National and International Standard Forms of Contracts: A Contractor’s Perspective”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Ahmed, Muaz, Islam El-adaway, Kalyn Coatney, and Mohamed Eid. (2015). “Construction Bidding and the Winner’s Curse: A Game Theory Approach”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Eid, Mohamed, Islam El-adaway, and Kalyn Coatney. (2015). “Evolutionary Stable Strategy for Post-Disaster Insurance: A Game Theory Approach”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Fawzy, Salwa, Islam El-adaway, and Tarek Hamid. (2015). “Contracting in a Global World: Application of the Time At Large Principle”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Fawzy, Salwa and Islam El-adaway. (2015). “Global Total Cost Claims within the Common Law Legal Systems: Application to the World Bank Contract”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Barber, Herbert and Islam El-adaway. (2015). “Economic Performance Assessment for Construction Industry in the Southeastern United States”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Boz, Mehmet and Islam El-adaway. (2015). “Creating a Holistic Systems Framework for Sustainability Assessment of Civil Infrastructure Projects”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam, Olga Pierrakos, and Dennis Truax. (2015). “Sustainable Construction Education Using Problem-based Learning and Service-based Learning Techniques”. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam, Salwa Fawzy, Robert Bingham, Patrick Clark, and Taylor Tidwell. (2014). “Different Delay Analysis Techniques Applied to AIA A201-2007 Standard Form of Contract”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Boz, Mehmet and Islam El-adaway. (2014). “Managing Sustainability Assessment of Civil Infrastructure Projects using Work, Nature, and Flow”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam and Dennis Truax. (2014). “Managing the LEED Analysis for the New Civil and Environmental Engineering Complex at Mississippi State University”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Ogburn, Mark and Islam El-adaway. (2014). “Biddability, Constructability, Operability and Environmental Checklist: Potential Role in Reducing Conflicts, Claims, and Disputes”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- LaBarre, Philip and Islam El-adaway. (2014). “Project Benchmarking for Mitigating Conflicts, Claims, and Disputes through Improved Performance”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Fawzy, Salwa and Islam El-adaway. (2014). “Time ‘at large’ within the Common Law Legal System: Application to Standard Forms of Contract”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam, Salwa Fawzy, Kyle Cody, Sara Fast, Gene Spencer, David Bond, Dustin Cushman, and Timothy Stieffel. (2014). “Contract Administration Guidelines for Contractors Working under AIA A201-2007 Contract for Construction”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam. (2013). “Promoting the Sustainability of Relational Contracting through Addressing Third Party Insurance Obstacles”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Fawzy, Salwa and Islam El-adaway. (2013). “Contract Administration Guidelines for Effectively and Efficiently Applying Different Delay Analysis Techniques under World Bank Funded Projects”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam. (2013). “Fatalities among Civil Infrastructure Workers: Variable Annuity with Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefits Approach”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Fawzy, Salwa and Islam El-adaway. (2012). “Contract Administration Guidelines for Managing Conflicts, Claims, and Disputes under World Bank Funded Projects”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Fawzy, Salwa and Islam El-adaway. (2012). “Contract Administration Guidelines for U.S Contractors Working under World Bank Funded Projects”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam. (2012). “Insurance Pricing for Windstorm Susceptible Developments: A Bootstrapping Approach”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam. (2012). “Can an Integrated Problem-Based Learning Framework Improve Natural Hazard Management?”. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practices, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Jennings, Marianne and Islam El-adaway. (2012). “Ethical Issues in Multiple-Authored and Mentor-Supervised Engineering Publications”. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practices, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam. (2010). “Integrated Project Delivery Case Study: Guidelines for Drafting Partnering Contract”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam and Amr Kandil. (2010). “Multi Agent System for Construction Dispute Resolution (MAS-COR)”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam and Amr Kandil. (2010). “Construction Risks: Single or Portfolio Insurance”. Journal of Management in Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam and Amr Kandil. (2009). “Contractors’ Claims Insurance: Risk Retention Approach”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam, Samer Ezeldin, and Janet Yates. (2009). “Arbitral Tribunal Proceedings Case Study: Egyptian Construction Project”. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam and Samer Ezeldin. (2007). “Dispute Review Boards: Expected Application on Egyptian Large-Scale Construction Projects”. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, The American Society of Civil Engineers.
- El-adaway, Islam. (2004). “Moral Technology”. Quodlibet Online Journal of Christian Theology and Philosophy “Vol. 6, No. 1” and Common-Sense Intercollegiate Journal of Humanism and Free Thought, “Vol. 15, No. 5 (with permission of both journals).
Peer-reviewed Conference Papers
- Eissa, Radwa and Islam El-adaway, “Circular Economy and LEED v4: Benchmarking Materials and Resources Credit Achievement”, 2025 World Building Congress, Indiana, United States.
- Chammout, Bahaa, Ramy Khalef, and Islam El-adaway, “A System Dynamics Model for Urban Sprawl And Its Impact On Sustainability”, 2025 World Building Congress, Indiana, United States.
- Elazhary, Mariam, Cihan Dagli, and Islam El-adaway, “Price Escalation in Construction Projects: A Contractual and Legal Perspective”, 19th Annual System of Systems Engineering Conference, Washington, United States.
- Jezzini, Yasser, Rayan Assaad, Islam El-adaway, and Mohamad Abdul Nabi, “A Fair-Pricing Game-Theoretic Model for Determining Price Escalations in Construction Projects During Economic Uncertainties”, 2024 Construction Research Congress, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Iowa, United States.
- Abdul Nabi, Mohamad, Bahaa Chammout, Islam El-adaway, Rayan Assaad, and Ghiwa Assaf, “Investigating Inflation Transmission in Construction Material Supply Chain”, 2024 Construction Research Congress, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Iowa, United States.
- Elbashbishy, Tamima and Islam El-adaway, “Assessing the Impact of Skilled Labor Shortages on Project Performance”, 2024 Construction Research Congress, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Iowa, United States.
- Ahmed, Muaz and Islam El-adaway, “Exploring the Influences on Construction Bidding Decisions: Insights from Literature and Industry Experts”, 2024 Construction Research Congress, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Iowa, United States.
- Eissa, Radwa and Islam El-adaway, “Circular Economy Strategies for Decarbonization of the Built Environment Value Chain Scope 3 Emissions: A Network Analysis”, 2024 Construction Research Congress, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Iowa, United States.
- Khalef, Ramy and Islam El-adaway, “Analyzing the Impact of Design-Build on Cost Performance in Airport Development: A Data-Driven Approach”, 2024 Construction Research Congress, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Iowa, United States.
- Chammout, Bahaa, Muaz Ahmed, and Islam El-adaway, “Exploring the Root Causes of Work Zone Accidents: A Mixed-Methods Study”, 2024 Construction Research Congress, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Iowa, United States.
- Chammout, Bahaa and Islam El-adaway, “A Contractual Approach for Resolving Disputes Arising from Failure to Achieve Green Certification”, 2024 Construction Research Congress, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Iowa, United States.
- Salih Fareed and Islam El-adaway, “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Construction Project Objectives: A Survey-Based Analysis”, 2024 Construction Research Congress, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Iowa, United States.
- Russell, Jeff, Islam El-adaway, Ramy Khalef, Fareed Salih, and Gasser Ali, “The Evolution of The Project Management Profession within the Construction Industry: Trends, Overlaps, and the Future”, 2024 Construction Research Congress, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Iowa, United States.
- Ali, Gasser and Islam El-adaway, “Distributed Solar Generation: Data Analytics of the Existing Literature for Guiding the Future Prospects”, 2024 Construction Research Congress, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Iowa, United States.
- Assaad, Rayan, Islam El-adaway, and Ghiwa Assaf, “A Fuzzy Model and Decision-Support Tool for Assessing and Predicting the Probability of Business Failure of Construction Companies”, 2023 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Oregon, United States.
- Assaad, Rayan, Mohamad Abdul Nabi, Islam El-adaway, and Ghiwa Assaf, “An Agent-Based Cellular Automaton Simulation Model to Study the Worker Safety Behavior on Construction Sites: The Impacts of Different Social Influence Rules”, 2023 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Oregon, United States.
- El-adaway Islam, Gasser Ali, Muaz Ahmed, Radwa Eissa Mohamad Abdul Nabi, Tamima Elbashbishy, and Ramy Khalef, “Predicting Future Citations using Network Analysis and Machine Learning”, 2023 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Oregon, United States.
- Eissa, Radwa and Islam El-adaway, “Circular Economy Strategies for Reducing Embodied Carbon in the US Commercial Building Stocks: A System Dynamics Modeling Approach”, 2023 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Oregon, United States.
- Ahmed, Muaz, Islam El-adaway, and Kalyn Coatney, “Enhancing Pricing Practices of Subcontractors: A Comparative Analysis Using Simulation Modeling”, 2023 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Oregon, United States.
- Elbashbishy, Tamima and Islam El-adaway, “System Dynamics Modeling for Investigating the Retention of Skilled Labor in the Construction Market”, 2023 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Oregon, United States.
- Eissa, Radwa, Mohamad Abdul Nabi and Islam El-adaway, “Risk-Reward Allocation Among Integrated Project Delivery Method Stakeholders: A Gamified Cooperative Data Simulation Approach”, 2023 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Oregon, United States.
- Ali, Gasser and Islam El-adaway, “Agent-Based Modeling for Understanding Incentives Associated with Distributed Solar Generation”, 2023 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Oregon, United States.
- Abdul Nabi, Mohamad and Islam El-adaway, “Studying Contributions of Associated Stakeholders in Risk Control of Modularized Construction Under Different Delivery Methods: A Graph-Restricted Cooperative Games Approach”, 2023 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Oregon, United States.
- Khalef, Ramy and Islam El-adaway, “Understanding of Risky Determinants Affecting the Success of Design Build Airport Projects Using Computational Clustering Techniques”, 2023 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Oregon, United States.
- Chammout, Bahaa, Mohamed Abdul Nabi, Islam El-adaway, and Rayan Assaad, “Price Escalation in Construction Projects: A Contractual and Legal Perspective”, 2023 Canadian Society of Civil Engineers Annual Meeting and Conference and 9th Construction Specialty Conference, Canada.
- Ahmed, Muaz and Islam El-adaway, “Significant Factors and Knowledge Gaps Related to Modeling Construction Bidding Decision-Making Processes”, 2023 Canadian Society of Civil Engineers Annual Meeting and Conference and 9th Construction Specialty Conference, Canada.
- Khalef, Ramy and Islam El-adaway, “Cost and Schedule Performance of US Airport Projects: Data-Driven Analytics”, 2023 Canadian Society of Civil Engineers Annual Meeting and 9th Construction Specialty Conference, Canada.
- Abdul Nabi, Mohamad, Rayan Assaad, and Islam El-adaway, “Analyzing Root and Proximate Causes of Disputes in Public Private Partnership Construction Projects”, 2023 Canadian Society of Civil Engineers Annual Meeting and Conference and 9th Construction Specialty Conference, Canada.
- Said, Julia, Ibrahim Abotaleb, and Islam El-adaway. (2022). “Construction Lean Scoring and Benchmarking System”. 2022 Canadian Society of Civil Engineers Annual Meeting and Conference, Canada.
- Ahmed, Muaz, Islam El-adaway, and Kalyn Coatney . (2022). “Mitigating the Winner’s Curse Dilemma in Multi-Stage Construction Bidding”. 2022 Construction Research Congress, Washington D.C., United States.
- El-Sayegh, Amr and Islam El-adaway . (2022). “Collaborative Planning Metrics in Construction Projects: A Factor Analysis Approach”. 2022 Construction Research Congress, Washington D.C., United States.
- Khalef, Ramy and Islam El-adaway . (2022). “Understanding and Comparting the Different Fund Levels in Airport Improvement Projects: A Graph theory Approach”. 2022 Construction Research Congress, Washington D.C., United States.
- Abdul Nabi, Mohamed and Islam El-adaway . (2022). “A Rating Score for Assessing the Risks and challenges Associated with Modular Construction”. 2022 Construction Research Congress, Washington D.C., United States.
- Ahmed, Muaz, Ramy Khalef, Gasser Ali, and Islam El-adaway. (2021). “Using Machine Learning to Identify the Most Critical Factors Affecting Maintenance of Tunnels”. 2021 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Florida, United States.
- Khalef, Ramy and Islam El-adaway . (2021). “Identifying Substantial Changes for Airport Improvement Programs using Random Forest and Supper Vector Machine”. 2021 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Florida, United States.
- Ali, Gasser and Islam El-adaway . (2021). “Studying Dynamic Pricing in Electric Power Markets Affected by Distributed Energy Generation using Agent Based Modeling”. 2021 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Florida, United States.
- Abdul Nabi, Mohamed and Islam El-adaway . (2021). “Studying the Interconnectivities between Modular Construction Decision-Making Factors: A Clustering Analysis Approach”. 2021 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Florida, United States.
- Assaad, Rayan, Islam El-adaway, Mark Hastak, Kim La Scola Needy . (2021). “Offsite Construction Technology: Shaping the Future of the Industry”. 2021 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Florida, United States.
- Assaad, Rayan, Muaz Ahmed, Islam El-adaway, and Amr El-Sayegh . (2021). “A Simulation Framework for Optimal Bidding Decisions”. 2021 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Florida, United States.
- Ali, Gasser and Islam El-adaway . (2021). “Improving the Reliability of Electric Power Infrastructure Using Distributed Solar Generation: An Agent-based Modeling Approach”. 2021 Canadian Society of Civil Engineers Annual Meeting and Conference and 8th Construction Specialty Conference, Ontario, Canada.
- Elbashbishy, Tamima, Gasser Ali, and Islam El-adaway . (2021). “Role of Transactional Blockchain in Facilitating Procurement in International Construction Projects”. 2021 Canadian Society of Civil Engineers Annual Meeting and Conference and 8th Construction Specialty Conference, Ontario, Canada.
- Abdul Nabi Mohamed, Islam El-adaway, Rayan Assaad, and Muaz Ahmed . (2021). “Prioritization of Project Factors Affecting the Use of Modular Construction: Comparison between Industry and Literature”. 2021 Canadian Society of Civil Engineers Annual Meeting and Conference and 8th Construction Specialty Conference, Ontario, Canada.
- Assaad, Rayan, Islam El-adaway, Mark Hastak, and Kim La Scola Needy . (2021). “Implications of Offsite Construction on the Workforce: Opportunities and Challenges”. 2021 Canadian Society of Civil Engineers Annual Meeting and Conference and 8th Construction Specialty Conference, Ontario, Canada.
- Abdul Nabi, Mohamed and Islam El-adaway . (2021). “Identifying and Analyzing the Causes of Conflicts, Claims, and Disputes in Modular Construction Projects”. 2021 Canadian Society of Civil Engineers Annual Meeting and Conference and 8th Construction Specialty Conference, Ontario, Canada.
- El-Sayegh Amr and Islam El-adaway . (2021). “Collaborative Planning in Construction Projects: Cost and Schedule Performance Prediction”. 2021 Canadian Society of Civil Engineers Annual Meeting and Conference and 8th Construction Specialty Conference, Ontario, Canada.
- Assaad, Rayan, Gasser Ali, Amr Elsayegh, and Islam El-adaway . (2020). “Understanding the Sub-Contractual Relationship for a Proper Management of Construction Projects under National Standard Forms of Contract”. 2020 Construction Research Congress, Arizona, United States.
- El-adaway, Islam, Gasser Ali, Amr El-Sayegh, Rayan Assaad, and Ibrahim Abotaleb . (2020). “Analyzing Citation Metrics in Civil Engineering with Focus on Construction Engineering and Management”. 2020 Construction Research Congress, Arizona, United States.
- Assaad, Rayan, Islam El-adaway, and Ibrahim Abotaleb . (2020). “Holistic Risk Management Approach for Predicting Cost and Schedule Overruns at Project Completion”. 2020 Construction Research Congress, Arizona, United States.
- Ali, Gasser, Islam El-adaway, Ibrahim Abotaleb, and Hebert Barber . (2020). “Relationship between Stocks of Construction Companies and the Gross Domestic Product in the US”. 2020 Construction Research Congress, Arizona, United States.
- Ali, Gasser, Amr El-Sayegh, Rayan Assaad, and Islam El-adaway . (2020). “Deck, Superstructure, and Substructure Deterioration Prediction for Bridges Using Deep Artificial Neural Networks”. 2020 Construction Research Congress, Arizona, United States.
- El-adaway, Islam, Charles Sims, Mohamed Eid, Yinan Liu, and Gasser Ali . (2020). “Simulating Adoption of Distributed Energy Resources in Wholesale Power Markets using Agent Based Computational Economics”. 2020 Construction Research Congress, Arizona, United States.
- Assaad, Rayan and Islam El-adaway . (2020). “A Comprehensive Management Framework for Preventing Operational Bankruptcy of Construction Firms”. 2020 Construction Research Congress, Arizona, United States..
- Assaad, Rayan and Islam El-adaway . (2020). “Forecasting and Modeling Bridge Deterioration Using Data Mining Analytics”. 2020 Construction Research Congress, Arizona, United States.
- Abdul Nabi, Mohamad, Cihan Dagli, and Islam El-adaway . (2019). “A System Dynamics Model for Construction Safety Behavior”. 2019 Complex Adaptive Systems Conference, Pennsylvania, United States..
- Ali, Gasser, Cihan Dagli, and Islam El-adaway . (2019). “A System Dynamics Approach for Study of Population Growth and the Residential Housing Market in the US”. 2019 Complex Adaptive Systems Conference, Pennsylvania, United States..
- El-Sayegh, Amr, Cihan Dagli, and Islam El-adaway . (2019). “An Agent-based Model to Study Competitive Construction Bidding and the Winner’s Curse”. 2019 Complex Adaptive Systems Conference, Pennsylvania, United States..
- Assaad, Rayan, Cihan Dagli, and Islam El-adaway . (2019). “A System-of-Systems Model to Simulate the Complex Emergent Behavior of Vehicle Traffic on an Urban Transportation Infrastructure Network”. 2019 Complex Adaptive Systems Conference, Pennsylvania, United States..
- El-adaway, Islam, Amr Elsayegh, Ibrahim Abotaleb, Christopher Smith, Mustafa Bootwala, and Seif Eteifa . (2019). “Contract Administration Guidelines for Infrastructure Transportation Projects: Application to Southeastern US DOTs”. 2019 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Meeting and Conference and 7th Construction Specialty Conference, Montreal, Canada.
- Ali, Gasser, Amr Elsayegh, Rayan Assaad. Islam El-adaway, and Ibrahim Abotaleb . (2019). “Artificial Neural Network Deterioration Assessment Model for Bridges in Missouri”. 2019 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Meeting and Conference and 7th Construction Specialty Conference, Montreal, Canada.
- El-adaway, Islam, Charles Sims, Mohamed Eid, and Yinan Liu . (2019). “Multi Agent-Based Model for Studying Electric Grid Transition to Distributed Energy Resources”. 2019 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Georgia, United States.
- Abotaleb, Ibrahim and Islam El-adaway . (2019). “A Network-Based Methodology for Quantitative Knowledge Gap Identification in Construction Simulation and Modeling Research”. 2019 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Georgia, United States.
- Eid, Mohamed and Islam El-adaway . (2019). “Sustainable Disaster Recovery Framework – Reducing the Community Vulnerabilities Throughout the Redevelopment Process”. 2019 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Georgia, United States.
- Abotaleb, Ibrahim and Islam El-adaway . (2019). “Proposing a Multi-Staged Calibration Methodology for System Dynamics Construction Management Models”. 2019 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Georgia, United States.
- Eid, Mohamed, Emad Elbeltagi, and Islam El-adaway . (2019). “Multi-Objective Simultaneous Optimization for Linear Projects Scheduling”. 2019 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Georgia, United States.
- Eid, Mohamed and Islam El-adaway . (2018). “Decreasing the Economic Vulnerability of The Built Environment throughout the Disaster Recovery Processes: An Agent Based Model Framework”. 2018 Construction Research Congress, Louisiana, United States.
- Abotaleb, Ibrahim and Islam El-adaway . (2018). “A System Dynamics Model for Analyzing Cumulative Impacts of Disruptions during Construction”. 2018 Construction Research Congress, Louisiana, United States.
- Akroush, Noor and Islam El-adaway . (2018). “Penetration of Leading Safety Indicators in the Construction Industry: The Case of Tennessee”. 2018 Construction Research Congress, Louisiana, United States.
- El-adaway, Islam, Ibrahim Abotaleb, Mohamed Eid, Samuel May, Lauren Netherton, and Jonathan Vest . (2018). “Contracting in the Saudi Public Construction Projects: What Do US Contractors Need to Know?”. 2018 Construction Research Congress, Louisiana, United States.
- El-adaway, Islam, Ibrahim Abotaleb, Roderick Mohler, Jesse Sheffler, Hayley Fuller, and Cristian Orozco . (2018). “Contractual Considerations for Complying with Environmental Requirements: Lessons Learned Using a Case Study Approach”. 2018 Construction Research Congress, Louisiana, United States.
- El-adaway, Islam Ibrahim Abotaleb, and Seif Eteifa . (2018). “A Relational Contractual Framework for Promoting Collaborative Project Environment”. 2018 Construction Research Congress, Louisiana, United States.
- Abd El-Moneim, Mahmoud, Omar El-Anwar, and Islam El-adaway . (2017). “Investigating the Performance of Relational Contracts Using Social Network Analysis”. 2017 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Washington, United States.
- Abotaleb, Ibrahim and Islam El-adaway . (2017). “A Bayesian Model for Optimal Bid Price Estimation of Transportation Projects”. 2017 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Meeting and Conference and 6th Construction Specialty Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
- Eid, Mohamed and Islam El-adaway . (2017). “Framework for Holistic Sustainable Disaster Recovery”. 2016 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Meeting and Conference and 6th Construction Specialty Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
- Ahmed, Muaz, Islam El-adaway, Kalyn Coatney, and Mohamed Eid. (2016). “Understanding the Construction Winner’s Curse using Game Theory”. 2016 Construction Research Congress, Puerto Rico.
- Eid, Mohamed and Islam El-adaway . (2016). “Sustainable Infrastructure Development through Integrating the Stakeholders Preferences and Host Community’s Environmental Resilience”. 2016 Construction Research Congress, Puerto Rico.
- Eid, Mohamed, Islam El-adaway, and Kalyn Coatney . (2016). “Developing a Post Disaster Insurance Profile using Evolutionary Game Theory”. 2016 Construction Research Congress, Puerto Rico.
- Eid, Mohamed and Islam El-adaway . (2015). “Optimizing Disaster Recovery Strategies using Agent-Based Simulation”. 2015 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Texas, United States.
- Eid, Mohamed, Islam El-adaway, and Kalyn Coatney . (2015). “Using Game Theory for Creating Evolutionary Stable Strategy for Post Disaster Insurance”. 2015 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Meeting and Conference and 5th Construction Specialty Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
- Ahmed, Muaz, Islam El-adaway, and Kalyn Coatney . (2015). “Multi-stage Bidding for Construction Contracts: A Game Theory Approach”. 2015 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Meeting and Conference and 5th Construction Specialty Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
- Vechan, Eric, and Islam El-adaway . (2015). “Using Social Network Analysis to Identify and Mitigate Transportation Congestion and Delays”. 94th Transportation Research Board Annual meeting, Washington D.C., United States.
- Ogburn, Mark and Islam El-adaway . (2014). “Biddability, Constructability, Operability, and Environmental Analysis at the Engineer Research and Development Center”. 2014 Construction Research Congress, Georgia, United States.
- LaBarre, Philip Islam El-adaway, and Mohamed Eid . (2014). “The Potential of Construction Project Benchmarking in the Vicksburg District of the U.S Army Corps of Engineers”. 2014 Construction Research Congress, Georgia, United States.
- Fawzy, Salwa and Islam El-adaway . (2014). “Application of the Time at large Principle to Standard Forms of Contract”. 2014 Construction Research Congress, Georgia, United States.
- Vechan, Eric, and Islam El-adaway . (2014). “Social Network Analysis for Infrastructure Transportation Systems”. 2014 Construction Research Congress, Georgia, United States.
- Barber, Herbert and Islam El-adaway . (2014). “U.S Economic Indicators and Stock Prices of Construction Equipment Manufacturers: A Statistical Relationship Analysis”. 2014 Construction Research Congress, Georgia, United States.
- Boz, Mehmet, Islam El-adaway, and Mohamed Eid . (2014). “A Systems Approach for Sustainability Assessment of Civil Infrastructure Projects”. 2014 Construction Research Congress, Georgia, United States.
- El-adaway, Islam . (2013). “Systems Modeling Approach for Sustainable Infrastructure”. 2013 International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, California, United States.
- Barber, Herbert and Islam El-adaway . (2013). “Energy Production, Consumption, and Corruption in Sub-Sahara Africa’s Infrastructure Projects”. 2013 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Meeting and Conference and 4th Construction Specialty Conference, Ontario, Canada.
- Boz, Mehmet and Islam El-adaway . (2013). “Dynamic Sustainability Assessment of the Built Environment”. 2013 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Meeting and Conference and 4th Construction Specialty Conference, Ontario, Canada.
- Jennings, Marianne and Islam El-adaway . (2012). “Framework to Address Ethical Issues in Multiple-Authored and Mentor-Supervised Engineering Publications”. 2012 American Society of Engineering Education 119th Annual Conference and Exposition, Texas, United States.
- El-adaway, Islam, Gerald Emison, and Keith Coble . (2012). “Natural Hazard Management: Integrated Framework for Engineering and Public Policy”. 2012 Construction Research Congress, Indiana, United States.
- El-adaway, Islam and Dennis Truax . (2012). “Problem-Based-Learning and Learning-Through-Service for Sustainability Education”. 2012 Construction Research Congress, Indiana, United States.
- El-adaway, Islam and Jerome Knapp . (2012). “Towards a More Sustainable Rating for the Built Environment: A Proposal for Comprehensive Construction Assessment Framework”. 2012 Construction Research Congress, Indiana, United States.
- El-adaway, Islam . (2012). “Sustainable Management of Infrastructure Projects: The Role of Workers Satisfaction through Loss Reduction”. 2012 Construction Research Congress, Indiana, United States.
- Fawzy, Salwa and Islam El-adaway . (2012). “Applying Delay Analysis Techniques to the World Bank Funded Projects”. 2012 Construction Research Congress, Indiana, United States.
- El-adaway, Islam and Dennis Truax . (2012). “Using Innovative Teaching Pedagogies in Undergraduate Teaching”. 2012 American Society of Engineering Education – Southeastern Section Conference, Mississippi, United States.
- Jennings, Marianne and Islam El-adaway . (2012). “Ethical Concerns in Engineering Publications”. 2012 American Society of Engineering Education – Southeastern Section Conference, Mississippi, United States.
- Fawzy, Salwa and Islam El-adaway . (2011). “How Can U.S. Contractors Work Under World Bank Funded Projects”. 2011 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Meeting and Conference and 3rd Construction Specialty Conference, Ontario, Canada.
- El-adaway, Islam . (2011). “Relational Contracting and High Performance Project Ouctomes”. 2011 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Meeting and Conference and 3rd Construction Specialty Conference, Ontario, Canada.
- El-adaway, Islam, Tamer Breakah, and Safwan Khedr . (2011). “Brick Masonry and Sustainable Construction”. 2011 International Conference on Sustainable Engineering, Design, and Construction, Missouri, United States.
- El-adaway, Islam . (2010). “Integrated Education Plan for Natural Hazard Management”. 2010 Engineering Project Organizations Conference, California, United States.
- El-adaway, Islam . (2010). “Guaranteed Death Variable Annuities For Construction Workers Fatalities: A Conceptual Framework”. 6th International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Pennsylvania, United States.
- El-adaway, Islam . (2010). “Guidelines for a Standard U.S. Project Partnering Contract”. 2010 Construction Research Congress, Alberta, Canada.
- El-adaway, Islam and Omar El-Anwar . (2010). “Developing Optimal Hazard Investment Strategies”. 2010 Construction Research Congress, Alberta, Canada.
- El-adaway, Islam . (2009). “Role of Insurance in Mitigating Natural Catastrophic Risks”. 5th International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century, Istanbul, Turkey.
- El-adaway, Islam . (2009). “Role of Computer Simulation in Mitigating Natural Catastrophic Risks”. Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering, California, United States.
- El-adaway, Islam . (2009). “Financial Model for Insuring against Catastrophic Storm Risks”. 2009 Construction Research Congress, Seattle, Washington.
- El-adaway, Islam and Samer Ezeldin . (2007). “An Overview of Contemporary Construction Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: Advantages and Disadvantages”. 5th International Conference on Construction Project Management (ICCPM), Singapore.