Workshop Schedule

All lectures will be based on hands-on activities and be happening at the computer room at Physics 128.

You may use a desktop computer on each desk. To access it, you need your UM ID and password if you are a UM student or use the guest ID and password circulated by an email.

Please prepare a Google account if you don’t have one, as you will need to download the Google Colab notebooks. All lecture materials will be linked in the following schedule.

After the workshop, we will share the answer keys and a list of suggested reading.

Further reading

Here are some example resources in case you want to learn further beyond what is covered by this workshop.


  • “Astrophysics in a Nutshell: Second Edition” by Dan Maoz (introductory)
  • “Introduction to Cosmology” by Ryden (introductory)
  • “Cosmology” by Baumann (introductory)
  • “Modern Cosmology” by Dodelson and Schmidt (graduate level but pedagogical)

Machine Learning

  • “Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in Astronomy: A Practical Python Guide for the Analysis of Survey Data” by Ivezic+ (first half is good for introductory statistics)
  • “Machine Learning for Physics and Astronomy” by Acquaviva (introductory)
  • “Python Machine Learning: Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow” by Raschka & Mirjalili

Day 1 – Wednesday

August 2nd 2023

Opening Remark [Slides]Shun Saito
1:00 p.m.Room 128
Lecture 1 “Basic Python syntax and visualization” [Slides]
[Google Colab] [Solution]
Cole Rischbieter
1:10 p.m.Room 128
Coffee Break
3:10 p.m.Room 208
Lecture 2 “The Theory of Cosmic Expansion History” [Slides]
[Google Colab] [Solution]
Shun Saito
* Take your notebook as there are math work in this lecture.
3:30 p.m.Room 128
DinnerLight meals including Pizza and soft drinks
6:00 p.m.Room 208

Day 2 – Thursday

August 3rd 2023

Lecture 3 “Observations of Cosmic Expansion History” [Slides]
[Google Colab] [Solution]
Hasti Khoraminezhad
8:00 a.m.Room 128
Coffee BreakWorkshop Photo at the Physics entrance
10:00 a.m.Room 208
Lecture 4 “Advanced STEM Career” [Slides]
Dishari Malakar
10:20 a.m.Room 208
Lunch Break
12:00 p.m.Room 208
Lecture 5 “Machine Learning I: An Introduction” [Slides]
[Google Colab] [Solution]
Dishari Malakar
1:00 p.m.Room 128
Coffee Break
3:00 p.m.Room 208
Lecture 5 “Machine Learning II: Algorithm Examples” [Slides]
[Google Colab] [Solution]
Steven Karst
3:20 p.m.Room 128
Workshop Dinner
7:00 p.m.Colton Steakhouse

Day 3 – Friday

August 4th 2023

Lecture 6 “Application of Machine Learning to Cosmic Expansion History”

Q1 [regression]: What Omega_m does the BAO data prefer?
[Google Colab] [Solution]

Q2 [regression]: What Omega_m does the SN data prefer?
[Google Colab] [Solution]

Q3 [classification]: Does the BAO data prefer the accelerating expansion?
[Google Colab] [Solution]

Q4 [classification]: Does the SN data prefer the accelerating expansion?
[Google Colab] [Solution]
Cole Rischbieter & Hasti Khoraminezhad
8:00 a.m.Room 128
Coffee Break
10:00 a.m.Hallway
Concluding RemarkShun Saito
12:00 p.m.
Farewell Lunch
12:10 p.m.Room 208