Daniel Fischer

Associate Professor, Department of Physics


Daniel Fischer is an experimental physicist investigating atomic and molecular fragmentation processes that are induced either by electromagnetic radiation or by collisions with charged particles. Since his undergraduate research, he worked with “reaction microscopes” (sometimes referred to as COLTRIMS, cold target recoil ion momentum spectroscopy) which allow to study the dynamics of atomic few-particle reactions including atomic collisions, chemical reactions, or photo-excitation and ionization. His group succeeded in the implementation of a reaction microscope with a laser-cooled and optically trapped atomic target. Presently, his research interest focuses on the coherent control of optically induced atomic and molecular reactions. He joined the Physics Department at Missouri S&T in 2015.

A curriculum vitae can be downloaded here.


  • 2014 – Habilitation, Heidelberg University
  • 2003 – Ph.D. in Physics, Heidelberg University
  • 2001 – Diploma (equivalent to M.S.) in Physics, University of Freiburg i. Br.