
General Research Area

Dev’s research centers on the effects of stress on ecosystem processes, including primary production and litter decomposition, in streams.  Both natural and anthropogenic stresses affect almost all aquatic ecosystems.  A “stress,” such as mine drainage or agriculture, can pose several distinct stressors (having a negative influence), or in some cases subsidies (having a positive influence), to streams.  He is most interested in how the effects of stress on ecosystem processes are mediated by the biological communities that perform those processes.  The biomass, diversity, and specific taxa of communities can all affect the rates of ecosystem processes in stressed systems.

Decomposition of organic matter

Dev has studied decomposition of organic matter, such as leaves and wood, in streams affected by different stressors. His research has focused on the biota associated with this process, mainly microbes and invertebrates. Aquatic fungi have become a recent focus of his research, partly because of limited previous research compared to other biological communities in streams. His lab is using molecular tools to describe fungal communities.

Nutrient mitigation by plants and algae

Dev’s lab is currently studying the use of floating treatment wetlands (FTW) to mitigate nutrient pollution in stormwater in urban areas of Rolla. Plants in FTWs can take up nutrients and limit the flux into sensitive ponds and downstream systems. The exact mechanisms behind this remediation strategy are still not well understood. His students have tested uptake rates in microcosms in the lab, mesocosms set up outside, and in the ponds themselves. They will be setting up trial FTWs in the ponds starting this summer (2023).

Selected publications

  • Niyogi, D.K., Hu, C.Y, and B. Vessell.  2020.  Response of stream fungal communities on decomposing leaves to experimental drying.  International Review of Hydrobiology.  105:52-58.  DOI:10.1002/iroh.201902015.
  • von Schiller, D. and 70 others (including D. Niyogi).  2019.  Sediment respiration pulses in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams.  Global Biogeochemical Cycles.  33:1251-1263.
  • Datry, T., and 76 others (including D.K. Niyogi).  2018.  A global analysis of terrestrial plant litter dynamics in non-perennial waterways.  Nature Geoscience.
  • Ferreira, V., J. Koricheva, S. Duarte, D.K. Niyogi, and F. Guérold.  2016.  Effects of heavy metal contamination on litter decomposition in streams – a meta-analysis.  Environmental Pollution.  210:261-270.
  • Piggott, J.J., D.K. Niyogi, C.R. Townsend, and C.D. Matthaei.  2015.  Multiple stressors and stream ecosystem functioning:  climate warming and agricultural stressors interact to affect processing of organic matter.  Journal of Applied Ecology.  52:1126-1134.
  • Kitto, J.A.J, D.P. Gray, J.S. Harding, H.S. Greig, and D.K. Niyogi.  2015.  Meta-community theory and stream restoration:  evidence that spatial position constrains stream invertebrate communities in a mine impacted landscape.  Restoration Ecology.  DOI: 10.1111/rec.12179.
  • Niyogi, D.K., J.S. Harding, and K.S. Simon.  2013.  Organic matter breakdown as a measure of stream health in New Zealand streams affected by acid mine drainage.  Ecological Indicators.  24:510-517.
  • Greenwood, M.J., J.S. Harding, D.K. Niyogi, and A.R. McIntosh.  2012.  Improving the effectiveness of riparian management for aquatic invertebrates in a degraded agricultural landscape:  stream size and land-use legacies.  Journal of Applied Ecology.  49:213-222. 
  • Greig, H.S., D.K. Niyogi, K.L. Hogsden, P.G. Jellyman, and J.S. Harding.  2010.  Heavy metals: confounding factors in the response of New Zealand freshwater fish assemblages to natural and anthropogenic acidity.  Science of the Total Environment.  48:3240-3250. 
  • Niyogi, D.K., J.M. Bandeff, C. Selman, and D.E. Menke.  2010.  Nutrient flux, uptake, and transformation in a spring-fed stream in the Missouri Ozarks, USA.  Aquatic Sciences.  72:203-212.
  • Niyogi, D.K., C.A. Cheatham, W.H. Thomson, and J.M. Christiansen.  2009.  Litter breakdown and fungal diversity in a stream affected by mine drainage.  Fundamental and Applied Limnology.  175:39-48.
  • Lear, G., Niyogi, D., J. Harding, Y. Dong, and G. Lewis.  2009.  Biofilm bacterial community structure in streams affected by acid mine drainage.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology.  75:3455-3460.
  • Bray, J.P., P.A. Broady, D.K. Niyogi, and J.S. Harding.  2008.  Periphyton communities in New Zealand streams impacted by acid mine drainage.  Marine and Freshwater Research.  59:1084-1091.
  • Niyogi, D., and J. Harding.  2007.  Coal mine drainage:  complex effects on streams.  New Zealand Water and Wastes Association Journal.  November 2007 issue, pp. 50-53.
  • Niyogi, D.K., M. Koren, C.A. Arbuckle, and C.R. Townsend.  2007.  Longitudinal changes in biota along four New Zealand streams:  declines and improvements in stream health related to land use.  New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research.  41:63-75.
  • Simon, K.S., D.K. Niyogi, R. Frew, and C.R. Townsend.  2007.  Nitrogen dynamics in streams along a gradient of agricultural development.  Limnology and Oceanography.  52:1246-1257.
  • Niyogi, D.K., M. Koren, C.A. Arbuckle, and C.R. Townsend.  2007.  Stream community structure along a catchment land-use gradient:  subsidy-stress responses to pastoral development. Environmental Management.  39:213-225.
  • Niyogi, D.K., K.S. Simon, and C.R. Townsend.  2004.  Land use and stream ecosystem functioning:  nutrient uptake in streams that contrast in agricultural development.  Archiv fur Hydrobiolgie. 160:471-486.
  • Niyogi, D.K., K.S. Simon, and C.R. Townsend.  2003.  Breakdown of tussock grass in streams along a gradient of agricultural development. Freshwater Biology. 48:1698-1708.
  • Niyogi, D.K., W.M. Lewis, Jr, and D.M. McKnight.  2003.  Direct and indirect effects of mine drainage on bacterial processes in mountain streams.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 22:276-291.
  • Niyogi, D.K., D.M. McKnight, and W.M. Lewis, Jr.  2002.  Fungal communities and biomass in mountain streams affected by mine drainage.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie. 155:255-271.
  • Niyogi, D.K., D.M. McKnight, and W.M. Lewis, Jr.  2002.  Effects of mine drainage on breakdown of aspen litter in mountain streams.  Water, Air and Soil Pollution:  Focus.  2:329-341.
  • Niyogi, D.K., W.M. Lewis, Jr, and D.M. McKnight.  2002.  Effects of stress from mine drainage on diversity, biomass, and function of primary producers in mountain streams.  Ecosystems.  5:554-567.
  • Niyogi, D.K., W.M. Lewis, Jr, and D.M. McKnight.  2001.  Litter breakdown in mountain streams affected by mine drainage:  biotic mediation of abiotic controls.  Ecological Applications.  11:506-516.
  • McKnight, D.M., D.K. Niyogi, A.S. Alger, A. Bomblies, P.A. Conovitz, and C.M. Tate.  1999.  Antarctic Dry Valley streams:  Ecosystems waiting for water.  BioScience.  49:985-995.
  • Niyogi, D.K., D.M. McKnight, and W.M. Lewis, Jr.  1999.  Influences of water and substrate quality for periphyton in a montane stream affected by acid mine drainage.  Limnology and Oceanography.  44:804-809.
  • Niyogi, D.K., C.M. Tate, D.M. McKnight, J.H. Duff, and A.S. Alger.  1997.  Species composition and primary production of algal communities in dry valley streams in Antarctica:  examination of the functional role of biodiversity.  In:  Ecosystem Processes in Antarctic Ice-Free Landscapes, eds. W.B. Lyons, C. Howard-Williams, and I. Hawes, pp. 171-179, Balkema Press, Amsterdam.