Research Topics
- Statistical methods for detecting differential DNA methylation
- Differential expression analysis of microarray and next generation sequencing data
- Modeling sleep in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster
- Modeling heterogeneity in traumatic brain injury
- Al-Jabery KK, Obafemi-Ajayi T, Olbricht GR, and Wunsch DC. (2019) Computational Learning Approaches to Data Analytics in Biomedical Applications. Academic Press (Elsevier)

Prospective or current students: Feel free to email me if you are interested in talking about research or about graduate studies in statistics in our department.
Completed Ph.D. Students
- M. Milad (2017). “A functional data analytic approach for region level differential DNA methylation detection”.
- Luyang Wang (2019). “Novel statistical modeling of sleep patterns in Drosophila melanogaster”.
- Tarek Bennaser (2020). “Fuzzy logistic regression for detecting differential DNA regions”.
- Yuqing Su (2021). “Integrating SNP data and imputation methods into the DNA methylation analysis framework”.
- Daniel Alhassan (2023). “Advances in differentially methylated region detection and cure survival models”. (Co-advised with Dr. Akim Adekpedjou)
Completed M.S. Thesis Students
- Stephanie Berhorst. (2013). “Statistical analysis of microarray data in a sleep deprivation study”.
- Luyang Wang (2014). “Statistical analysis of sleep patterns in Drosophila melanogaster”.
- Luke Settles (2017). “Family-based association studies of autism in boys via facial-feature clusters”.
- Jesse Marks (2017). “A review of random matrix theory with an application to biological data”.
- Arnold Harder (2017). “Comparing region level testing methods for differential DNA methylation analysis”.
- Sujit Subhash (2020). “The application of machine learning models in the concussion diagnosis process”.
- Caroline Schott (2023). “The application of statistical modeling to identify genetic associations with mild traumatic brain injury outcomes.”
- Dakota Shields (2023). “Meta-analysis of mesenchymal stem cell expression microarray data from obese and non-obese patients”.
Undergraduate Students
- OURE: Opportunities for Undergraduate Research
- CURM: Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics
- Advised 11 OURE, 4 CURM students.