Courses Taught
NUC ENG 2406 – Reactor Operations I
A first course in reactor operations training with a basic discussion of reactor physics concepts and their relation to practical nuclear reactor operation. Students will receive hands-on experience operating the reactor.
- Semesters taught: Fall and Spring Semester
- Prerequisites: Math 1214 or Math 1208; preceded or accompanied by Nuc Eng 1105.
NUC ENG 3103 – Interactions of Radiation in Matter
Atoms and nuclei; relativistic kinematics; quantum theory; nuclear decay; cross sections; neutron, gamma, and charged particle interactions.
- Semester taught: Spring Semester
- Prerequisites: Math 2222, Physics 2135
NUC ENG 4241/5241, MET ENG 5170 – Nuclear Materials
Fundamentals of materials; mechanical, thermal and electronic material properties; defects and microstructure; radiation damage and effects; selection and behavior of materials for nuclear applications; computer modeling of nuclear materials problems; nuclear fuel; advanced nuclear materials; radiation effects in electronics for nuclear, space, and other applications.
- Semester taught: Fall Semester
- Prerequisites: Civ Eng 2210, Nuc Eng 3205, Nuc Eng 3223, Met Eng 2110
NUC ENG 4312/5312 – Nuclear Radiation Measurements and Spectroscopy
Contemporary radiation detection theory and experiments; gas filled detectors; inorganic scintillators; high resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy using semiconductor detectors; charged particle spectroscopy using semiconductor detectors and liquid scintillators; neutron detection; neutron activation analysis; statistical aspects of radiation measurements.
- Semester taught: Spring Semester
- Prerequisites: Nuc Eng 3205, Elec Eng 2800
NUC ENG 4345 – Nuclear Engineering Mathematical Methods
The purpose of course is to provide you with a set of mathematical tools and techniques to solve nuclear engineering problems. Topics covered will include: solving ordinary and partial differential equations, linearization, averaging, and other approximation methods, Matrix methods, Green’s functions, integral transforms, numerical methods. Approximately 1/3 of class periods is dedicated to problem solving.
- Semester taught: Fall Semester
- Prerequisites: Nuc Eng 4203
NUC ENG 4428 – Reactor Laboratory I
The purpose of this course is to demonstrate important phenomena of nuclear reactors. Experiments will be conducted using the MS&T reactor and will include: control rod calibrations; measurement of reactivity feedback coefficients; demonstration of the iodine pit effect; approach to criticality and subcritical multiplication; measurement of flux distribution and energy spectra.
- Semester taught: Fall Semester
- Prerequisites: Nuc Eng 4312, Nuc Eng 3205
NUC ENG 6001 – Advanced Radiation Interactions
An introduction to the classical and quantum theories of scattering of radiation by atoms and nuclei; application to problems involving radiation interactions with atoms, nuclei, subatomic particles, and quasiparticles; processing of nuclear data files; cross sections; scattering kernels; neutron scattering and diffraction; discussion of experimental techniques.
- Semester taught: Fall or Spring every 3-5 semesters
- Prerequisites: Graduate standing
Office Hours
I hold office hours on Wednesdays from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. Appointments can be scheduled via email.
Feel free to reach out to me at or during my office hours for any questions or clarifications.