Coding The Cosmos:

May 21 – 24, 2024

Join the exciting field of gravitational waves as LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA continue to search for compact object mergers during their fourth observing run. You will learn how gravitational waves are discovered and how you can use Python to do some Gravitational wave analysis!

This workshop is funded by the National Science Foundation’s “Partnerships in Astronomy and Astrophysics Research and Education” grant AST-2219212, in collaboration with Lincoln University.

Three Pillars

Python Programming

We will cover basic python syntax including scientific programming with numpy and visualization with matplotlib.

Gravitational Wave Theories

Understanding how gravitational waves are formed in the universe and how we can detect them.

Gravitational Wave Analysis

Understanding how LIGO data analysis works.

Workshop Picture


Prof. Marco Cavaglià

Professor of Physics at Missouri S&T.

Dr. Yanyan Zheng

Research Scientist in the Physics Department of Missouri S&T.

Dr. Dripta Bhattacharjee

Post-doctoral researcher at LIGO-Hanford

Sushant Sharma Chaudhary

5th year Graduate Student (Currently working in LIGO-Livingston)

Dishari Malakar

2nd year Graduate Student in Physics at Missouri S&T.

Cole Rischbieter

2nd year Graduate Student in Physics at Missouri S&T

Charlie Winborn

1st year Graduate Student in Physics at Missouri S&T.

