
  • by Ma, Hongyan
    DOE’s IEDO has selected FuCCI to lead a 3-year project which will develop AI-based tools to guide the blending of alternative supplementary cementitious materials, aiming to deeply decarbonize cement and concrete. In this project, FuCCI will deeply collaborate with a large number of industrial partners for sample collection and technology-to-market transition. https://www.energy.gov/eere/iedo/funding-selections-fy24-energy-and-emissions-intensive-industries-foa#topic-4…
  • by Ma, Hongyan
    Dr. Ma received the 2024 Faculty Research Award of Missouri S&T. Every year, this award recognizes up to 8 faculty based on their 2-year performance in research and/or scholarly achievement.  https://news.mst.edu/2024/12/33-missouri-st-faculty-honored-for-excellence/…
  • by Ma, Hongyan
    As the university announced, Dr. Hongyan Ma, Francisco Benavides Scholar and associate professor of CArEE, has been selected as the inaugural recipient of the Kummer Impact Professor, effective July 1, 2024. This selection was in recognition of demonstrated potential to act as an intellectual leader across campus by promoting an inclusive, collaborative environment among colleagues…
  • by Ma, Hongyan
    ACerS Cement Division Annual Meeting 2024 and 14th Conference on Advances in Cement-Based Materials was hosted June 19-21 at Missouri S&T in Rolla, MO. Part of our group members attended the conference and served as volunteers to assist conference organization….
  • by Ma, Hongyan
    Dr. Ma moderated a technical session “Phase change materials (PCMs)-based multifunctional architected construction composites” at Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference and Probabilistic Mechanics & Reliability Conference (EMI/PMC 2024), Chicago, United States, May 28-31, 2024. He also presented “Pozzolanic Reactivity of Phase Change Material (PCM)-Loaded Diatomite.” Look forward to working with newly connected industrial partners in new…
  • by Ma, Hongyan
    Dr. Ma and Dr. Liao participated in the 2024 ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit (May 22-24, Dallas, TX), and showcased FuCCI’s progress in carbon-negative mining technologies funded by ARPA-E….
  • by Ma, Hongyan
    Funded by ARPA-E’s Geologic Hydrogen program, FuCCI will start its first federal project on exploration of geologic hydrogen production, teaming up with MS&T’s Lightwave Technology Lab, GE, Shell, and Lawrence Livermore National Lab. This is a two-year exploratory project aiming to significantly accelerate the serpentinization of fayalite for hydrogen production. We look forward to scaling…
  • by Ma, Hongyan
    Rezwana Hafiz successfully passed her PhD thesis (Characterization and Modeling of Unsaturated and Partially Damaged Cement-based Materials) exam on Jan 16, 2024. Congratulations to Dr. Hafiz….
  • by Ma, Hongyan
    Dr. Ma received the 2023 Faculty Excellence Award of Missouri S&T. Every year, this award recognizes up to 5 faculty based on their 5-year performance in research, teaching, and service. https://news.mst.edu/2023/12/35-faculty-honored-for-outstanding-teaching-service-experiential-learning/…
  • by Ma, Hongyan
    S&T News reported the new project of FuCCI for carbon-negative conversion of solid wastes into commodity cementitious materials. This article included a photo of our semi-industrial-scale batching plant too. The batching plant will play an important role in upscaling of the developed technology following R&D in the Phase I project. Read the full article here:…