
My reviewed papers are listed below.

Publications (click here)

  1. Marcy Barge and W. T. Ingram, Inverse limits on [0,1] using logistic bonding maps,

Topology Appl. 72(1996), no. 2, 159–172. MR1404274

  1. H. Cook and W. T. Ingram, Obtaining AR-like continua as inverse limits with only two bonding maps, Glasnik Mat. Ser. III 4(24)(1969), 309–312. MR264616
  2. Howard Cook, W. T. Ingram, and A. Lelek, Eleven annotated problems about continua,

Open Problems in Topology, 1990, pp. 295–302. MR1078655

  1. Howard Cook, W. T. Ingram, and Andrew Lelek, A list of problems known as Houston problem book, Continua (Cincinnati, OH, 1994), 1995, pp. 365–398. MR1326857
  2. James F. Davis and W. T. Ingram, An atriodic tree-like continuum with positive span which admits a monotone mapping to a chainable continuum, Fund. Math. 131(1988), no. 1, 13–24. MR970910
  3. W. T. Ingram, Concerning non-planar circle-like continua, Canadian J. Math. 19 (1967), 242–250. MR214037
  4. _, Decomposable circle-like continua, Fund. Math. 63(1968), 193–198. MR240786
  5. _, An atriodic tree-like continuum with positive span, Fund. Math. 77 (1972), no. 2, 99–107. MR365516
  6. _, An uncountable collection of mutually exclusive planar atriodic tree-like continua with positive span, Fund. Math. 85(1974), no. 1, 73–78. MR355999
  7. _, Concerning atriodic tree-like continua, Fund. Math. 101(1978), no. 3, 189–193.


  1. _, Hereditarily indecomposable tree-like continua, Fund. Math. 103(1979), no. 1,

61–64. MR535836

  1. _, Hereditarily indecomposable tree-like continua. II, Fund. Math. 111 (1981), no. 2, 95–106. MR609425
  2. _, C-sets and mappings of continua, Proceedings of the 1982 Topology Conference (Annapolis, Md., 1982), 1982, pp. 83–90. MR696623
  3. _, Positive span in inverse limits, Proceedings of the 1984 topology conference (Auburn, Ala., 1984), 1984, pp. 313–317. MR828988
  4. _, Concerning periodic points in mappings of continua, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.

104(1988), no. 2, 643–649. MR962842

  1. _, Periodic points for homeomorphisms of hereditarily decomposable chainable continua, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 107(1989), no. 2, 549–553. MR984796
  2. _, Concerning images of continua, Topology Proc. 16(1991), 89–93. MR1206455
  3. _, Inverse limits on [0,1] using tent maps and certainother piecewise linear bonding maps, Continua (Cincinnati, OH, 1994), 1995, pp. 253–258. MR1326847
  4. _, Periodicity and indecomposability, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 123(1995), no. 6,

1907–1916. MR1283553

  1. _, Indecomposable continua arising in inverse limits on [0,1], Proceedings of the 13th Summer Conference on General Topology and its Applications (M´exico City, 1998), 1998, pp. 237–248. MR1803251
  2. _, Inverse Limits, Aportaciones Matem´aticas: Investigaci´on [Mathematical Contri- butions: Research], vol. 15, Sociedad Matem´atica Mexicana, M´exico, 2000. MR1781336
  3. _, Inverse limits on [0,1] using piecewise linear unimodal bonding maps, Proc.

Amer. Math. Soc. 128(2000), no. 1, 279–286. MR1618702

  1. _, Inverse limits on circles using weakly confluent bonding maps, Proceedings of the 2000 Topology and Dynamics Conference (San Antonio, TX), 2000, pp. 201–211. MR1875592
  2. _, Invariant sets and inverse limits, Proceedings of the First International Meeting on Continuum Theory (Puebla City, 2000), 2002, pp. 393–408. MR1938871
  3. _, Inverse limits and a property of J. L .Kelley. I., Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana (3) 8

(2002), no. 1, 83–91. MR1916893

  1. _, Inverse limits on [0,1] using piecewise linear unimodal bonding maps. II, Continuum Theory (Denton, TX, 1999), 2002, pp. 143–161. MR2001441
  2.   _, A tale of six atriodic tree-like continua, Continuum theory (Denton, TX, 1999), 2002, pp. 163–172. MR2001442
  3. _, Families of inverse limits on [0,1], Proceedings of the Spring Topology and Dynamical Systems Conference, 2003, pp. 189–201. MR2048929
  4. _, Inversel imits and a property of J. L. Kelley. II, Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana (3) 9

(2003), no. 1, 135–150. MR1988594

  1. _, Two-pass maps and indecomposability of inverse limits of graphs, 2005, pp. 175–

183. Spring Topology and Dynamical Systems Conference. MR2182926

  1. _, A brief historical view of continuum theory, Topology Appl. 153 (2006), no. 10, 1530–1539. MR2216119
  2. _, Inverse limit representations of non-planar tree-like continua, Continuum Theory: in honor of Professor David P. Bellamy on the ocassion of his 60th birthday, 2007,

pp. 59–66. MR2743836_

  1. _, Inverse limits of uppersemi-continuous functions that are unions of mappings,

Topology Proc. 34(2009), 17–26. MR2476513

  1. _, Inverse limits with upper semi-continuous bonding functions: problems and some partial solutions, Topology Proc. 36(2010), 353–373. MR2646984
  2. _, Concerning nonconnected inverse limits with upper semi-continuous set-valued functions, Topology Proc. 40(2012), 203–214. MR2838202
  3. _, An Introduction To Inverse Limits with Set-valued Functions, SpringerBriefs in Mathematics, Springer, New York, 2012. MR2962774
  4. , Concerning chainability of inverse limits on [0,1] with set-valued functions,

Topology Proc. 42(2013), 327–340. MR3020518

  1. _, Tree-likeness of certain inverse limits with set-valued functions, Topology Proc.

42(2013), 17–24. MR2943586

  1. _, Concerning dimension and tree-likeness of inverse limits with set-valued func-tions, Houston J. Math. 40(2014), no. 2, 621–631. MR3248656
  2. _, Inverse limits of families of set-valued functions, Bol. Soc. Mat. Mex. (3) 21

(2015), no. 1, 53–70. MR3331958

  1. _, One-dimensional inverse limits with set-valued functions, Topology Proc. 46

(2015), 243–253. MR3246575

  1. _, Inverse limits with set-valued functions having graphs that are sinusoids, Topol- ogy Proc. 53(2019), 243–254. MR3909106
  1. _, Traditional continuum theory arising in inverse limits wit hset-valued functions,

Rev. Integr. Temas Mat. 37(2019), no. 1, 31–43. MR3920741

  1. _, Inverse limits with set-valued functions having graphs that are arcs, Topology Appl. 299(2021), Paper No. 107737, 11. MR4270621
  2. W. T. Ingram and Howard Cook, A characterization of indecomposable compact continua, Topology Conference (Arizona State Univ., Tempe, Ariz., 1967), 1968, pp. 168–

169. MR253298

  1. W. T. Ingram and William S. Mahavier, Inverse limits of upper semi-continuous set valued functions, Houston J. Math. 32 (2006), no. 1, 119–130. MR2202356
  2. _, Inverse Limits, Developments in Mathematics, vol. 25, Springer, New York, 2012.

From continua to chaos. MR3014043

  1. W. T. Ingram and M. M. Marsh, Nonconnectedness of inverse limit sequences, Topology Proc. 41(2013), 333–336. MR2998339
  2. _, Chainability of inverse limits on [0,1] with interval-valued functions, Topology Proc. 56(2020), 305–320. MR4066985
  3. W. T. Ingram and Robert Roe, Inverse limits on intervals using unimodal bonding maps having only periodic points whose periods are all the powers of two, Colloq. Math. 81 (1999), no. 1, 51–61. MR1716187
  4. W. T. Ingram and D. D. Sherling, Two continua having a property of J. L .Kelley, Canad.

Math. Bull. 34(1991), no. 3, 351–356. MR1127757

  1. William T. Ingram and William S. Mahavier, Interesting dynamics and inverse limits in a family of one-dimensional maps, Amer. Math. Monthly 111(2004), no. 3, 198–215.



TINUA, ProQuest LLC, Ann Arbor, MI, 1964. Thesis (Ph.D.)–Auburn University. MR2614441

I have two additional papers that contain material unpublished elsewhere at the time. Contact me (email: ingram at for copies.

A1. W. T. Ingram, Tree-like continua and span, Proceedings of the Eighth Annual USL Mathematics Conference, (1977), 62—65.

A2. _____, Atriodic tree-like continua: Problems and recent results, Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual USL Conference, (1980), 15—19.