Laser Foil Printing (LFP) is a forefront additive manufacturing technology, which we have leveraged its layered approach to fabricate 3D structures with markedly improved attributes. The meticulous control we exerted over variables such as laser energy density and intermediate layer application has indeed been a catalyst in achieving optimal results. Our efforts in this domain have yielded a productivity increase by eightfold, a testimony to the potential of this technology in transforming the fabrication landscape.
We have introduced strategies to overcome the edge elevation issue, commonly occurring after foil cutting – a pivotal step in the LFP process. Our comparisons have highlighted the upper hand of the automated LFP system, emphasizing its superior mechanical strength compared to other prevalent technologies such as laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) and directed energy deposition (DED).
Through the LFP technology, we have managed to incorporate various materials including bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) and different metals to create large, intricate structures. The mechanical attributes of these constructs closely rival those of traditionally crafted counterparts, a success chalked up to the rapid cooling rates and carefully orchestrated layering techniques involving intermediary elements like Zr to prevent unwanted interactions.
Our advancements in LFP have opened doors to heightened tensile strengths and a substantial reduction in oxygen content in the fabricated components, showcasing the potential to redefine sectors dependent on high-precision metallic elements. Leveraging the novel laser welding modes, we have unveiled pathways to augmented ductility, thus aligning the industry closer to efficient and quality-centric manufacturing avenues. In our comprehensive series of studies, we illustrate how LFP technology emerges as a revolutionary force, ready to reset the benchmarks in the additive manufacturing landscape.
We enthusiastically invite you to join us on this groundbreaking journey.
Recent Publications
Turk, Tunay, and Ming C. Leu. “Experimental study for improving the productivity of laser foil printing.” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 125, no. 11-12 (2023): 5149-5162.
Hung, Chia-Hung, Tunay Turk, M. Hossein Sehhat, and Ming C. Leu. “Development and experimental study of an automated laser-foil-printing additive manufacturing system.” Rapid Prototyping Journal 28, no. 6 (2022): 1013-1022.
Turk, Tunay, Chia-Hung Hung, M. Hossein Sehhat, and Ming C. Leu. “Methods of automating the laser-foil-printing additive manufacturing process.” In 2021 International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. University of Texas at Austin, 2021.
Hung, Chia-Hung, Wei-Ting Chen, M. Hossein Sehhat, and Ming C. Leu. “The effect of laser welding modes on mechanical properties and microstructure of 304L stainless steel parts fabricated by laser-foil-printing additive manufacturing.” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 112 (2021): 867-877.
Hung, Chia-Hung, Yingqi Li, Austin Sutton, Wei-Ting Chen, Xiangtao Gong, Heng Pan, Hai-Lung Tsai, and Ming C. Leu. “Aluminum parts fabricated by laser-foil-printing additive manufacturing: processing, microstructure, and mechanical properties.” Materials 13, no. 2 (2020): 414.
Hung, Chia-Hung, Austin Sutton, Yingqi Li, Yiyu Shen, Hai-Lung Tsai, and Ming C. Leu. “Enhanced mechanical properties for 304L stainless steel parts fabricated by laser-foil-printing additive manufacturing.” Journal of Manufacturing Processes 45 (2019): 438-446.
Li, Yingqi, Yiyu Shen, Ming C. Leu, and Hai-Lung Tsai. “Mechanical properties of Zr-based bulk metallic glass parts fabricated by laser-foil-printing additive manufacturing.” Materials Science and Engineering: A 743 (2019): 404-411.
Li, Yingqi, Yiyu Shen, Chia-Hung Hung, Ming C. Leu, and Hai-Lung Tsai. “Additive manufacturing of Zr-based metallic glass structures on 304 stainless steel substrates via V/Ti/Zr intermediate layers.” Materials Science and Engineering: A 729 (2018): 185-195.
Li, Yingqi, Yiyu Shen, Ming C. Leu, and Hai-Lung Tsai. “Building Zr-based metallic glass part on Ti-6Al-4V substrate by laser-foil-printing additive manufacturing.” Acta Materialia 144 (2018): 810-821.
Li, Yingqi, Yiyu Shen, Chen Chen, Ming C. Leu, and Hai-Lung Tsai. “Building metallic glass structures on crystalline metal substrates by laser-foil-printing additive manufacturing.” Journal of Materials Processing Technology 248 (2017): 249-261.
Shen, Yiyu, Yingqi Li, Chen Chen, and Hai-Lung Tsai. “3D printing of large, complex metallic glass structures.” Materials & Design 117 (2017): 213-222.
Chen, Chen, Yiyu Shen, and Hai-Lung Tsai. “A foil-based additive manufacturing technology for metal parts.” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 139, no. 2 (2017): 024501.