Year: 2023

Ivliyeva, Irina V., Koob, Perry. Experimental multi-dimensional scaling of web-scraping results from the A.A Zalizniak Grammatical Dictionary and the Russian National Corpus.  Creating a corpus fragment of all possible word-forms of modified Russian sound verbs using web-scraping methodology. Compilation of a summary table for the present tense, future tense, imperative, imperfective and perfective gerund forms….Continue Reading

A sample post

On this page you can post updates about your research, projects, classes, etc. Access your posts via the “Posts” menu on the left-hand side of your admin interface. Your posts show up as a feed with your newest posts at the top. Visitors can read your posts in reverse chronological order or search for specific…Continue Reading A sample post

RSS feeds

Your posts page also generates an RSS feed, which users can subscribe to using the URL of this page with /feed appended onto the end. If your updates page is at, then your RSS feed will be at Users with RSS feed readers will automatically receive your updates as you publish them….Continue Reading RSS feeds