Here I am at the start of the presentation. There was a great turnout of faculty and students with many excellent questions….Continue Reading Colloquium Talk at Oklahoma State University
Colloquium Talk at Oklahoma State University

Here I am at the start of the presentation. There was a great turnout of faculty and students with many excellent questions….Continue Reading Colloquium Talk at Oklahoma State University
Here I am discussing the phase relations in the system SiO2-NaAlSi3O8-KAlSi3O8-H2O and their relationship to formation of the rhyolite dike….Continue Reading Lunchtime Science at Oklahoma State University
Dr. Jim Knapp’s “Wichita Mountains Task Force” were excellent hosts for my lunchtime seminar talk and discussions of igneous and tectonic activity associated with the Wichita Mountains….Continue Reading
MoveĀ® Software We are pleased once again to receive a generous donation from Petroleum Experts (Ltd) to provide researches in the Geosciences Geological Engineering and Petroleum engineering to provide us the MoveĀ® Software Suite for Use in Research and Teaching Petroleum Experts (Ltd) ( ) a recognized global standard in petroleum engineering and structural geology software…Continue Reading Move Software