Dr. Joseph W. Newkirk

Department Chair and Professor, Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science


Joseph W. Newkirk is the Founding Chair of the Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science Department at Missouri S&T. He is a Fellow of ASM International and Alpha Sigma Mu. He has been inducted into Sigma Xi, Sigma Pi Sigma, and Keramos honor societies. His education includes a BS (1977) and MS (1979) in Physics from Miami University and a PhD (1983) in Materials Science from the University of Virginia. He holds research positions in the Center for Advanced Manufacturing Technology and the Graduate Center for Materials Research. Research interests include metal additive manufacturing, wear and corrosion resistant alloys, high temperature materials, and nuclear materials. Prior to joining Missouri S&T he was a Research Scientist in the Major Analytical Instrumentation Center at the University of Florida (1983-1987) and a Research Engineer at the Homer Research Laboratories of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation (1981-1983). He has over 200 technical papers and been awarded two US Patents. He edited six books and contributed eight chapters to other technical handbooks and publications.

Research Interest

Additive manufacturing, Powder metallurgy, Wear and corrosion resistant alloys, High temperature materials, Aerospace materials, Nuclear materials, and Heat treating


  • 1983 – Ph.D. in Materials Science, University of Virginia
  • 1979 – M.S. in Physics, Miami University
  • 1977 – B.S. in Physics, Miami University