Month: August 2024

Message From the Vice-Provost and Dean of Libraries

Dear alumni, students, faculty and staff: It’s officially my one-year anniversary as vice-provost and dean of libraries, and I am even more excited to start the semester than when I arrived in August of 2023. This past year has seen growth and many positive changes in collections, services and spaces. I can’t wait to see…

New Electronic Resources for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025

This fall, the university libraries is happy to be able to provide access to seven new electronic resources and daily access to both the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Coming in the spring, we will be adding two additional online resources for the geosciences and biomedical engineering. Together, these new subscriptions will…

Updates to Faculty Research Profiles Starting Fall 2024

Your faculty research profiles managed by the library will be migrating to PURE by Elsevier. We plan to begin the migration in the fall semester. “Pure brings together research information from multiple disparate sources on one easy-to-use platform, creating a bird’s eye view of all your research activities—from research funding to its global impact. Pure…

New Services for Fall 2024

The library is adding several new services this fall, including a pod casting studio, a practice presentation room with a green screen and a new sound-insulated cell phone booth. All these services will be available while the building is open, and most can be reserved by students, staff, and faculty directly from the library web…

New Spaces in the Library

This fall brings a lot of changes to spaces in the library. The Writing and Communications Center will be moving to their new home on the the second floor. Several new study and seating areas have been added, and we are in the process of creating a dedicated graduate student lounge in the basement. We…

Meet Your Library Experts

Your library is staffed with professional librarians providing a variety of services in support of research and teaching. Research Librarians Services include: tailored library instruction, research guides, purchases, reserves, research consultations and much more. In addition to office hours in the library research librarians have scheduled office hours in each of their respective colleges. Visit…

Fall 2024 Workshops

The library will be offering a series of workshops this fall both in-person and online on a variety of topics. We encourage you to register in advance. Below is a complete list of workshops including a registration link. You can also visit the library webpage for more information and to register….

Welcome Lauren

The university libraries welcomes our new Interlibrary Loan Librarian, Lauren Zemaitis-Gipson. Lauren has fourteen years of experience working in academic, public, and military libraries. She recently relocated from Altus, Oklahoma, where she served as the Director of Library and Testing at Western Oklahoma State College. Lauren, along with her husband Brandon, daughter Eleanor, and their…