My Teaching Philosophy
It is centered around learning as a lifelong journey, and I guide students along this path. I believe in creating an environment that encourages exploration, critical thinking, and applying knowledge to real-world situations. I strive to make my classes interactive, engaging, and relevant to my students’ future careers. I employ various teaching methods to cater to diverse learning styles, including flipped classrooms, problem-based learning, and group projects. I encourage student engagement through active discussions and presentations. I am dedicated to continuous professional growth and regularly attend workshops and seminars on teaching innovations and pedagogy.
Courses Taught
Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission Lines (EE5630)
The course will provide insight into the physical principle of advanced electromagnetics and wave-matter interactions, from the introduction of wave propagation to waveguide and transmission line theories. The course includes the following topics: Transmission lines modeled as distributed circuits, introduction to one-dimensional waves and the wave equation, and wave velocity. Time-harmonic representation of waves and Helmholtz equation; wavelength and wavenumber. Propagation, reflection, and reflection of voltage and current waves in transmission lines; Impedance matching and transmission line transients. Review of vector analysis, coordinate systems, gradient, divergence, curl, review of surface and volume integrals; Maxwell’s equations for time-varying and time-harmonic fields; electromagnetic boundary conditions; Current continuity equation. Electromagnetic waves, plane waves, TEM waves, and polarization; propagation of electromagnetic waves in free-space, dielectrics, conducting media, and conductors; reflection and transmission of normal and oblique plane waves from planar material boundaries; and introduction to guided waves. Prerequisite: Elec Eng 3600.
- Semester taught: Fall 2023
- Syllabus: contact the instructor
Advanced Electromagnetics I (EE6600)
This graduate-level course in advanced electromagnetics provides the fundamentals necessary to formulate and understand electromagnetic physics from first principles. In this course, students will develop a mathematical understanding of electromagnetic waves and their interactions with materials and structures as they travel through different media and at boundaries. Specifically, this course will cover plane waves, reflection and transmission, waveguides, scattering, radiation, and an introduction to numerical methods in electromagnetics. It is assumed that the students have a general knowledge of vector analysis, differential, and integral calculus and have completed an introductory course in electromagnetics theory. The prerequisite is Elec Eng 3600 or an equivalent undergraduate electromagnetics course.
- Semester taught: Spring 2020, Spring 2021, Spring 2022, Spring 2023, Spring 2024
- Syllabus: contact the instructor
Introduction to Electronic Devices (EE2200)
In EE2200, students will learn to do the following: (1) Semiconductor Physics – Explain and apply basic concepts of semiconductor physics relevant to devices; (2) Semiconductor Devices – Describe, explain, and analyze the operation of essential semiconductor devices in terms of their physical structure, (3) Physics-based Models – Explain, describe, and use the physics-based device and circuit models for semiconductor devices of varying levels of complexity, select models appropriate to a specific need, and apply those models to analyze multi-component circuits, (4) Circuit Analysis – Analyze and design microelectronic circuits for linear amplifier and digital applications, and (5) Design – Confront integrated device and/or circuit design problems, identify the design issues, and develop solutions.
- Semester taught: Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022
- Syllabus: contact the instructor
Office Hours
In-person appointments can be scheduled via email. I also offer virtual office hours and am always open to questions and discussions outside class time. Feel free to contact me at mina.esmaeelpour@mst.edu for any questions or clarifications.