Article I
The name of this organization shall be The Miner Retirees Association
Article II – Purpose
It is the purpose of this Association to concern itself with support of the Missouri University of Science and Technology (S&T), its educational programs, and the welfare of its retired employees (faculty and staff) and their spouses. The Association shall concern itself with the public image of the University, its relationship with the local and state community, and the needs of its retired employees and their spouses. The retired employees will include all who have retired from MSM, UMR, and S&T.
Article III – Objectives
Section 1
Encourage the development of high quality educational programs at the University to meet the needs of the local, state, national and world communities.
Section 2
Provide for the social interaction and the general well-being of the University’s retired faculty, staff and surviving spouses.
Section 3
Serve as a means of communication between the University, the retired employees and/or surviving spouses.
Article IV – Membership
Section 1
Active Members
Any retired employee or surviving spouse of a retired employee of the University may become an active member of this organization by paying the annual dues. An active member shall be entitled to vote, to participate in the affairs of the Association and to receive all mailings supplied by the Association.
Section 2
Associate Members
Any retired employee of the University or surviving spouse of a retiree who chooses not to affiliate actively or pay the annual dues.
Section 3
Newly Retired Members
No membership fee for the first year. The membership fee will be set by the Board of Directors.
Article V – Incorporation
The Association shall serve as a non-profit organization incorporated in the State of Missouri if incorporation seems desirable in the future.
Article VI – Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and Officers
Section 1
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers of the Association and asmany members as deemed necessary by the Board and nominating committee. All past presidents of the organization shall serve as ex-officio members of the Board.
Section 2
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, President Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past President of the Association. This committee shall serve as the decision making body of the Association between board meetings. Any decisions made by the committee shall be taken to the Board for final approval.
Section 3
- The President, President Elect, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall serve a term of two years each. Other board members shall also serve a term of two years each.
- The President, a retiree, shall be the presiding officer of the Association Board of Directors and Executive Committee, plus an Ex-Officio Member of all committees except the nominating committee. The President shall appoint members of all committees unless otherwise provided for.
- The President Elect shall assume the responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President.
- The Vice President will follow the President Elect in the succession order and will serve as the United Way liaison/representative to the University and Phelps County United Way.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for the records of the Association and shall maintain records of all official meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of all financial records of the Association, prepare an annual financial report and other reports as directed by the Board of Directors.
- A Newsletter Editor and/or a Committee will prepare semi-annual newsletters that will be mailed to members who do not have email. Members with email will receive electronic newsletters.
- The Immediate Past President shall serve in an advisory capacity to the President and the Board of Directors.
- Board members shall serve on the Board of Directors and perform other such duties as may properly pertain to this office and as may be provided elsewhere in the constitution.
Section 4
Elections will be held bi-annually at the April meeting. A majority vote of those present and voting will elect. The term of the newly elected officers shall begin immediately following the annual meeting.
Section 5
Vacancies, which may occur, other than that of the President shall be filled by appointment of the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. Such appointments shall run until the next regular bi-annual election is held.
Section 6
- Social meetings, normally luncheons with speakers, will be held as desired by the membership throughout the academic year. The luncheon meetings, with speakers, will be held on the second Mondays in September to November and January to April. The May social (picnic) outing will be held on the second Monday at one of the Rolla Lions Club pavilions at 4:30 PM.
- Raffle ticket winners, at luncheons with speakers, will receive a monetary prize equivalent to the meal fee. If there are additional prizes, the first raffle ticket winner will select the preferred prize.
- At least one business meeting will be held in April for the purpose of electing officers. Other meetings of a business nature involving the Board of Directors and/or members shall be held as and when determined by the Board and President. These will normally be held adjacent in time to the social meetings.
Section 7
Duties and Responsibilities
The Board of Directors shall have duties and responsibilities including but not limited to the following:
- To formulate and recommend policies of the Association.
- To direct activities of the Association between annual meetings.
- To contact and negotiate with any group or organization in the interest of the Association.
- To approve appointment of all committees.
- To recommend the assessment of dues as are necessary to finance the activities of the Association.
- To perform other such duties as may properly pertain and as may be provided elsewhere in the constitution.
Section 8
Representation at Retirees Meetings
The President shall be one of the official representatives of the Association to attend, as appropriate, retirees meetings on the other campuses and/or at the University of Missouri System level. The Board of Directors shall elect each year additional members as needed to represent them at University System Retirees activities.
Article VII – Amendments
The constitution may be amended by a majority of the membership attending the annual meeting.
Article VIII – Dissolution
In case of dissolution of the Association, all funds must be used to provide a service to the Missouri University of Science and Technology or transferred to a non-profit organization with similar purposes or goals.