Month: June 2023

News from The Nath Laboratory

  • May 2023: Ibrahim Abdullahi successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Abdullahi.
  • April 2023: Harish received the Outstanding Graduate Research award from the Chemistry Departments for Excellence in Research.
  • July 2022: Proposal on understanding the electrocatalytic surface of chalcogenide based OER catalysts was funded through NSF.
  • May 2022: Apurv Saxena successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Saxena.
  • April 2021: Proposal on designing efficient CO2 reduction electrocatalysts has been funded through NSF.
  • December 2020: Umanga Desilva successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Desilva.
  • January 2020: Siddesh Umapathi successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Umapathi.
  • May 2019: Bahar Golrokhamin successfully defended her PhD dissertation. CONGRATULATIONS Dr. Golrokhamin.
  • April 2019: Xi Cao successfully defended her PhD dissertation. CONGRATULATIONS Dr. Cao.
  • April 2019: Xi’s paper on designing OER electrocatalyst from Fe-Co-Cu system got accepted in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
  • March 2019: Xi’s paper on designing OER electrocatalyst from Ni-Co-Cu system got accepted in Journal of Materials Chemistry A.
  • February 2019: Bahar’s paper on non-enzymatic glucose sensing got accepted in Journal of Materials Chemistry B.
  • December 2018: Wipula Liyanage successfully defended his PhD dissertation. CONGRATULATIONS Dr. Liyanage.
  • August 2018: Jahangir and Wipula’s paper got accepted in ACS Applied Energy Materials.
  • August 2018: Xi’s paper got accepted in ACS Catalysis.
  • July 2018: Umanaga paper got accepted in Journal of Materials Chemistry A.
  • July 2017: Abdu has successfully defended his PhD dissertation and is now officially Dr. Swesi. CONGRATULATIONS.
  • July 2017: Proposal on designing efficient water splitting catalysts from transition metal chalcogenides has been funded through NSF.
  • May 2017: Dr. Nath’s proposal on synthesis of boride nanostructures for application in energy conversion and storage received funding from CASB.
  • Apr 2017: Siddesh was awarded the much coveted 2017 Summer Research Fellowship Award from the Electrochemical Society. He is one of the 4 recipients nationwide. CONGRATULATIONS.
  • Apr 2017: Umanga got the first prize for poster presentation in the Graduate Research Showcase hosted by Council of Graduate Studies, Missouri S&T. CONGRATULATIONS.
  • Apr. 2017: Abdu successfully passed his comprehensive examination with unanimous support from his PhD advisory committee.
  • Apr. 2017: The Chemistry department’s banquet night was special for the Nath group as 4 of its members were honored. 
  • Apr 2017: Wipula, Xi, and Bahar were awarded Outstanding TA Awards for their excellent performance in teaching General Chemistry Laboratories. CONGRATULATIONS.
  • Apr 2017: Abdu was awarded the Chemistry Department’s Graduate Student Research Excellence Award. CONGRATULATIONS. 
  • Apr 2017: Abdu’s paper on the highly efficient electrocatalytic activity of NiSe2 has been accepted for publication in Nature Scientific Reports.
  • Mar 2017: Bahar’s and Abdu’s first joint paper on CoNi2Se4 as bifunctional water splitting catalysts has been accepted for publication in Chemical Communications.
  • Jan 2017: Dr. Nath’s proposal on multifunctional magnetic nanorods for biomedical applications received funding from CBSE.
  • November 2016: Jahangir’s paper on efficient electrocatalysis with a seleno-based Ni coordination complex has been highlighted as Cover image for issue #22 of ChemSusChem.
  • August 2016: Wipula’s paper on CdS-CdTe nanotube arrays for high efficiency solar energy conversion has been accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Chemistry A.
  • August 2016: Jahangir’s paper on efficient electrocatalysis with a seleno-based Ni coordination complex has been accepted for publication in ChemSusChem.
  • August 2016: Wipula has been selected as a recipient of the Midwest Graduate Research Award, to be presented at the 2016 Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, in Manhattan, KS on October 28, 2016.
  • July 2016: Abdu’s paper on decreasing OER overpotential through dissolution induced nanostructuring of Ni3Se2 has been accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Research.
  • Jun 2016: Jahangir’s paper on Co7Se8 as bifunctional water splitting catalyst has been accepted in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
  • May 2016: Jahangir, Siddesh, & Nikitaa’s paper on FeP as efficient OER electrocatalyst has been accepted in Journal of Materials Chemistry A.
  • May 2016: Umanga’s paper on multifunctional magnetic Au-CoSe nanostructures as efficient OER electrocatalyst has been accepted in MRS Advances.
  • Apr 2016: Student awards for Wipula (Outstanding Graduate Researcher Award) and Abdu (Pinsheng Award for Graduate Research).
  • Apr 2016: Jahangir’s paper on Co7Se8 as methanol tolerant ORR electrocatalyst was accepted in ACS Energy Letter.
  • Feb 2016: Dr. Nath’s concept of using multifunctional magnetic nanoparticles for cancer theranostics received support from Missouri Innovators Funds.
  • Jan 2016: Our proposal on using gold iron oxide bifunctional nanoparticles for biomedical applications received funding from UM Research Board.
  • November 2015: Abdu and Jahangir’s first paper on Nickel selenide as efficient OER electrocatalyst was published in Energy and Environmental Science.
  • August 2015: Bahar Golrokhamen, Siddesh Umapathi joined the group as graduate students
  • January 2015: Umanga deSilva, Xi Cao joined the group as graduate students.
  • November 2014: Wipula’s paper on patterned growth of CdTe nanorod arrays for solar cells was published in Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
  • September 2014: Dr. Jahangir Masud accepted our offer for a postdoctoral research position in our lab. WELCOME to NRG Dr. Masud.
  • July 2014: Akshay Pariti successfully defended his MS dissertation. CONGRATULATIONS Akshay.
  • July 2014: Wipula’s paper on patterned growth of CdTe nanorod arrays for solar cells was published in Nanomaterials and Energy
  • June 2014: Akshay’s paper on biologically active Au-Fe3O4 nanostructures was published in Materials Research Express
  • May 2014: Our proposal on using CoSe nanostructures as catalysts in oxygen evolution reaction received funding from ACS PRF.
  • May 2014: Wipula’s paper on multifunctional CoSe nanostructures was published in RSC Advances.
  • May 2014: Prachi Desai successfully defended her PhD dissertation. CONGRATULATIONS Prachi.
  • March 2014: Sukhada’s paper on Tc enhancement in FeSe nanostructures was published in ACS Nano.
  • June 2013: Sukhada Mishra successfully defended her PhD dissertation and became the first student from the group to be awarded the doctoral degree. CONGRATULATIONS Dr. Mishra.
  • May 2013: Dr. Manashi Nath received research grant from University of Missouri Inter-campus Interdisciplinary research initiative.
  • March 2013: Sukhada Mishra’s research paper titled “Growth of Vertically Aligned CdTe Nanorod Arrays through Patterned Electrodeposition” was accepted for publication in Nano Energy.
  • March 2013: Prachi Desai’s research paper titled “Soft-chemical Synthetic Route to Superparamagnetic FeAs@C Core-Shell Nanoparticles Exhibiting High Blocking Temperature” was published in Chemistry of Materials (March, 2013).(Link)
  • Januray 2013: Sukhada Mishra’s research paper titled “Synthesis of Superconducting Nanocables of FeSe Encapsulated in Carbonaceous Shell” was published in ACS Nano (January, 2013).(Link)
  • Dr. Manashi Nath received research grant from University of Missouri Research Board (UMRB) in December 2012.
  • Wipula P.R.Liyange joined the group in September 2012.
  • Akshay Pariti joined the group in August 2012.
  • Rasika Nimkar joined the group in January 2012.
  • Dr. Manashi Nath received research grant from University of Missouri Research Board (UMRB) in May 2009.
  • Sukhada Mishra won second prize in Poster Presentation at Missouri University of Science and Technology – Graduate Research showcase (April, 2009).
  • Prachi Desai joined the group in January 2009. Sukhada Mishra joined the group in October 2008.

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