One poster has been accepted in the NextGen Precision Health’s PATHWAYS 2024 symposium….Continue Reading Accepted Poster
Accepted Paper
One journal paper has been accepted in the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, titled Enhancing Near-Field Wireless Localization with LiDAR-Assisted RIS in Multipath Environments”….Continue Reading Accepted Paper
Accepted Paper
One journal paper has been accepted in the IEEE Sensors Letters, titled “Patients Arms Segmentation and Gesture Identification Using standalone 3D LiDAR Sensors”….Continue Reading Accepted Paper
Accepted Paper
One conference paper has been accepted in the Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, ON, Canada, titled “Deep-Learning-Based Accurate Beamforming Prediction Using LiDAR-Assisted Network”….Continue Reading Accepted Paper
Accepted Paper
One magazine paper has been accepted in the IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, titled “LiDAR Technology for Human Activity Recognition: Outlooks and Challenges”….Continue Reading Accepted Paper
Accepted Paper
One conference paper has been accepted in the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Rome, Italy, titled “Multiple UAV-LiDAR Placement Optimization Under Road Priority and Resolution Requirements”….Continue Reading Accepted Paper
Accepted Paper
One conference paper has been accepted in the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBCOM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, titled “Single-Snapshot Localization for Near-Field RIS Model Using Atomic Norm Minimization”….Continue Reading Accepted Paper
Accepted Paper
One book chapter has been accepted in CRC Press, titled “Wireless Localization with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces”….Continue Reading Accepted Paper
Accepted Paper
One journal paper has been accepted in the IEEE Communications Letters, titled “Compressive Near-Field Localization For Multipath RIS-aided Environments”….Continue Reading Accepted Paper