Partner Sites

Kummer College

Harness real-world entrepreneurship and innovation.

From our AACSB-accredited MBA, to an economics curriculum noted for its quantitative nature, to one of the country’s leading engineering management programs, the Kummer College is where academics and research harness real-world entrepreneurship and innovation in a way that prepares students to address the challenges of the future. Pursue a bachelor’s, master’s or Ph.D. degree online, in person, or by combining the two.

Technology Transfer and Economic Development

Grow your ideas and businesses with us!

We serve as the focal point for technology commercialization, entrepreneurship, business and economic development for Missouri S&T. We work with you to identify and make the most of new opportunities and retain business wealth within the community.

Office of the Vice Chancellor of Research and Innovation

Your go-to for sponsored program and grant proposal assistance!

Strengthen our international reputation through transformative and solution inspired research in all Strategic Pillars and create a vibrant community of student and faculty research, innovation and entrepreneurship.