Niloofar Zendehdel, Khosro Ghorbani Zadeh, Haodong Chen, Yun Seong Song, Ming Leu, “Hands-Free UAV Control: Real-Time Eye Movement Detection Using EOG and LSTM Networks,” IEEE Access, 2024 (submitted).
Mohsen Mohammadi Beirami, Sambad Regmi, Devin Burns, Yun Seong Song, Exploring Kinematics Contribution to the Arm Stiffness Modulation During Overground Physical Human-Robot Interaction, 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2024.
Niloofar Zendehdel, Haodong Chen, Yun Seong Song, Ming C. Leu, Implementing Eye Movement Tracking for UAV Navigation, Proceedings of ASME 2024 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA), 2024.
Mohsen Mohammadi Beirami, Sambad Regmi, Devin Burns, Yun Seong Song, “Exploring Kinematics Contribution to the Arm Stiffness Modulation During Overground Physical Human-Robot Interaction, UM System NextGen PATHWAYS Symposium, Columbia, MO, 2024.
Gloria J. Wiens (Designated Author) et al., “ASME Robotics Roadmap,” The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2024 (Participated as a contributor).
Sambad Regmi and Yun Seong Song, “Mobile Robot Configured to Determine Human Arm Stiffness during Overground Interaction,” US Patent Application #17/939,698, 2023.
Tarani Kanth Kamma, Sambad Regmi, Devin Burns, Yun Seong Song, Validation of the Human Arm Stiffness Estimation Method Developed for Overground Physical Interaction Experiments, 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2023.
Sambad Regmi, Devin Burns and Yun Seong Song, Humans modulate arm stiffness to facilitate motor communication during overground physical human-robot interaction, Scientific Reports, 2022.
Sambad Regmi, Devin Burns and Yun Seong Song, A robot for overground physical human-robot interaction experiments, PLoS One, 2022.
George Holmes, Keyri Moreno Bonnett, Amy Costa, Devin Burns, Yun Seong Song, Interaction Forces as a Guide for Trajectory Tracking for Physical Human-Robot Interaction, 9th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob), 2022.
M. Wu, L. Drnach, S. M. Bong, Y. S. Song, L. H. Ting, Human-Human Hand Interactions Aid Balance During Walking by Haptic Communication, Frontiers in robotics and AI, 8, 735575, 2021.
Fazlur Rashid, Devin Burns, and Yun Seong Song, Sensing small interaction forces through proprioception, Scientific Reports, 2021.
C. Karen Liu, Yun Seong Song, Lena Ting and Sehoon Ha, Energy-Harvesting Stairs for Assisting Stair Ascent, US Patent #10,975,574, 2021.
Fazlur Rashid, Devin Burns and Yun Seong Song, Factors affecting the sensitivity to small interaction forces in humans, 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2021.
Sambad Regmi and Yun Seong Song, Estimation of Endpoint Impedance of a 2D Parallel Manipulator Using Numerical Simulation Experiments, International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), 2020.
Yun Seong Song, Sehoon Ha, Hsiang Hsu, Lena Ting and C. Karen Liu, Stair negotiation made easier using low-energy interactive stairs, Powered Prostheses, pp. 179-199, Ed. H. Dalalli, Ed. M. Rastgaar, ASME. J. Mechanisms Robotics, Elsevier, 2020.
Sambad Regmi and Yun Seong Song, Design Methodology for Robotic Manipulator for Overground Physical Interaction Tasks ASME. J. Mechanisms Robotics, 2020.
Anirudh Saini, Devin Burns, Darian Emmett and Yun Seong Song Trunk velocity-dependent Light Touch reduces postural sway during standing PLoS One, 2019;14(11).
Sindhu Reddy Alluri, Devin Burns and Yun Seong Song, Light-Touch Based Virtual Cane Improves Standing Balance without Physical Support 41st International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), 2019.
Sambad Regmi and Yun Seong Song, “Design Method for Robots for Overground Physical Interaction,” 41st International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), 2019.
Jake Schuchmann and Yun Seong Song, “Design of an Energy-Harvesting Arm Brace,” 41st International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), 2019.
Sindhu Reddy Alluri, Devin Burns and Yun Seong Song, Light-touch based Virtual Cane for Assistance during Walking Hand, Brain and Technology, 2018.
Anirudh Saini, Devin Burns and Yun Seong Song, Velocity-Dependent Light Interaction Force Improves Standing Balance 40th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), 2018.
Yun Seong Song, Sehoon Ha, Hsiang Hsu, Lena Ting and C. Karen Liu, Stair Negotiation Made Easier Using Novel Interactive Energy-Recycling Assistive Stairs Plos One, 2017.
Yun Seong Song and Neville Hogan, Method and Apparatus for Pulse-Modulated Feedback Control, US Patent #9,488,974, 2016.
Yun Seong Song and Neville Hogan, Design, Implementation, Validation of an Interactive Exoskeletal Robot for Overground Locomotion Studies in Rodents, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2015.
Yun Seong Song, Tiffany L. Chen, Tapomayukh Battacharjee, J. Lucas McKay, Madeleine E. Hackney, Charles C. Kemp and Lena H. Ting, Human arms remove energy during partnered stepping tasks with a robot follower, ASU Rehabilitation Robotics Workshop, Tempe, USA, 2015.
Yun Seong Song, Tiffany L. Chen, Tapomayukh Battacharjee, J. Lucas McKay, Madeleine E. Hackney, Charles C. Kemp and Lena H. Ting, “Human arms remove energy during partnered stepping tasks with a robot follower”, Neural Control of Movement Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC, 2015.
Chansu Suh, Jordi Condal Margarit, Yun Seong Song and Jamie Paik, Soft Pneumatic Actuator Skin with Embedded Sensors, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2014 (Acceptance rate: 47%).
Yun Seong Song, Y. Sun, R. van den Brand, J. Zitzewitz, S. Micera, G. Courtine, and J. Paik, Soft Robot for Gait Rehabilitation of Spinalized Rodents, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2013 (Acceptance rate: 43%).
Yi Sun, Yun Seong Song, Jamie Paik, Characterization of Silicone Rubber Based Soft Pneumatic Actuators, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2013 (Acceptance rate: 43%).
Yi Sun, Yun Seong Song, Jamie Paik, “Soft Pneumatic Actuators with Various Actuation Mechanisms,” The 7th World Congress on Biomimetics, Artificial Muscles and Nano-Bio, 2013.
Yun Seong Song, Yi Sun and Jamie Paik, Development of a Soft Exoskeleton for Gait Assistance in Spinalized Rodents, International Workshop on Soft Robotics and Morphological Computation, Ascona, Switzerland, 2013.
Yun Seong Song and Neville Hogan, Design, Implementation and Validation of an Overground Interactive Robot for Locomotion Studies in Rodents, Society of Neuroscience, Washington DC, USA, 2011
Yun Seong Song, Neville Hogan, Design of An Overground Interactive Therapeutic Robot For Rodents Recovering After Spinal Cord Injury, Proceedings of ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, pp. 409-411, 2008.
Vijay Shilpiekandula, Yun Seong Song, A Music-Based Mechatronic System for Teaching Modeling and Control, Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Expedition, 2008.
Yun Seong Song and Neville Hogan, Design of an Overground Interactive Therapeutic Robot for Rodents Recovering after Spinal Cord Injury, New York State Spinal Cord Injury Research Program Symposium, NY, USA, 2008.
Yun Seong Song, Metin Sitti, STRIDE: A Highly Maneuverable and Non-Tethered Water Strider Robot, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 980-984, 2007 (Acceptance rate: 44%).
Yun Seung SongMetin Sitti, Surface-Tension-Driven Biologically Inspired Water Strider Robots: Theory and Experiments, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 23, pp. 578-589, 2007.
Yun Seong Song, Steve Suhr, Metin Sitti, Modeling of the supporting legs for designing biomimetic water strider robots, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 2303-2310, 2006 (Acceptance rate: 39%).
Steven Suhr, Yun Seong Song, Sang Jun Lee, Metin Sitti, Biologically Inspired Miniature Water Strider Robot, Proceedings of the Robotics: Science and Systems I, pp. 319-325, 2005.