Tschumper Research Group
Theoretical and Computational Quantum Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Missouri University of Science and Technology

The Tschumper Research Group recently relocated to Missouri S&T. Please contact Dr. Tschumper if you are interested in joining the lab as an undergraduate, graduate or post-doctoral researcher.
I sometimes describe our research as ‘chemistry without chemicals‘ because our work utilizes physics, mathematics and high performance computing to gain insight into important chemical problems instead of performing experiments in a lab. We compute/model/simulate the structures, energetics and other properties of atomic and molecular systems as well as chemical processes by using computers to numerically solve the quantum mechanical electronic Schrödinger equation.
Continued support from the National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged
EPS-0132618, CHE-0517067, EPS-0556308, EPS-0903787, CHE-0957317, EPS-1006983, CHE-1156713, CHE-1338056, OIA-1430364, CHE-1460568, CHE-1664998, CHE-1757888, CHE-2154403, CHE-2452726
Coming soon.