Ryan Cheek, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Technical Communication
Department of English and Technical Communication

College of Arts, Sciences, and Education


I serve as an Assistant Professor of Technical Communication at Missouri University of Science & Technology, where my research explores the interplay of political communication technologies, apocalyptic rhetoric, and crisis messaging in shaping public discourse, informing policy, and influencing our collective future. My work has been published in respected journals such as Technical Communication Quarterly, Communication Design Quarterly, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, and the Journal of Technical Writing and Communication. Bridging scholarly inquiry with applied practice, I investigate how language, media, and design interact to persuade public audiences and motivate action during elections, emergencies, and everyday encounters. With a foundation in civic advocacy, I am committed to equipping students, educators, and leaders with communication skills that emphasize ethical engagement, clarity of purpose, and rhetorical awareness.


Ph.D. Technical Communication & Rhetoric, Utah State University, 2022

M.A. Communication, University of Wyoming, 2011

B.S. Sociology, Weber State University, 2008


political communication technology

apocalyptic rhetoric

risk & disaster communication

civic advocacy

gender studies