Dr. Zhi Liang
Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Director, Nanoscale Thermal Fluids Laboratory (NTFL)
Email: zlch5@mst.edu
Tel: 573-341-4982
Dr. Zhi Liang is the Principal Investigator of the nanoscale thermal fluids laboratory (NTFL) in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at Missouri University of Science and Technology (MST).
Dr. Liang’s research is focused on computational micro/nanoscale heat and mass transfer, i.e., the research to use a variety of modeling techniques to fundamentally understand the dynamics and phase change of nanodroplets, nanobubbles, and nanoparticles and make use of these phenomena for various applications such as efficient cooling of microelectronics, power generation, energy harvesting, thermal medical therapy, and advanced manufacturing.
Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests
Micro/nanoscale thermodynamics and heat transfer, Dynamics of nanodroplets, nanobubbles, and nanoparticles, Structure-property relationship for materials and interfaces, and Computational modeling
- 2010 – Ph.D. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology
- 2004 – M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University
- 2001 – B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University