
Dr. Kania-Gosche has also served as president-elect, president, and past-president of the Missouri Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. She currently serves on the Missouri Advisory Council for the Certification of Educators and is a Data Fellow for the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.


Kania-Gosche, B. (2023). Missouri S&T Teacher Recruitment Grant. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, $100,000. Funded.

Kania-Gosche, B. (2023). Missouri S&T Child Development Center Expansion. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Early Childhood. $70,000. Funded.

Alexander, J. & Kania-Gosche, B. (2022). Missouri S&T Child Development Center Literacy Grant. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, $25,000. Funded.

Kania-Gosche, B. & Gillis, M. (2022). Education dual enrollment in rural central Missouri schools.  Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development. $22,000. Funded.

Kania-Gosche, B., Northcut, K., & Elliott, L. (2022). Missouri S&T Miner Support Network. Office of Postsecondary Education: Higher Education Programs: Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program. $710,681. (60% effort). Not funded.

Verble, R., Duvernell, D. Westenberg, D., Kania-Gosche, B., & Head, K. (2022). BIORETS: A new biological research experience site for teachers: OzARCC WILD (Ozark Area Research on Climate Change & Wildfire). $599,347. (15% effort). Resubmission planned 2023.  S&T internal planning grant received 2022.

Bristow, D., Castle, J., Marley, R., Billo, R. & Kania-Gosche, B. (2022). Bridges: Spanning the gaps among Missouri’s defense industrial base, technical community colleges, and a STEM 4-year university. Department of Defense. $10,964,731. (15% effort). Not funded.

Chen, G., Li, L., Kania-Gosche, B. (2022). NRI: Drone-based exploration through twin robotic arms in immersive network (DETRAIN) towards asset management of civil infrastructure. National Science Foundation. $1,499,775. (15% effort). Funded.

Kania-Gosche, B. (2021). Missouri S&T Teacher Recruitment. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. $20,000.  Funded.

Kania-Gosche, B., Duvernell, D., Vojta, T., Glaser, R., Drowne, K., & Stotler, G. (2021). NSF Noyce Teacher Scholarship Track 1: A Rural STEM Education Ecosystem for Teacher Recruitment. National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education. $1,449,383. Not funded, resubmitted 2022. (70% effort).

Henslee, A., Libre, N.A., Burns, D. & Kania-Gosche, B. (2021). Providing Criterion Validity for Student Evaluations of Teaching. National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education. $149,936. Not funded, resubmitted 2022. (15% effort).

Grote, K., Borrok, D., Schwartze, M. Meek, A., & Kania-Gosche, B. GP-IN: Getting your feet wet: Advancing geoscience education using water-based field experiences. National Science Foundation. Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Pathways into the Earth, Ocean, Polar, and Atmospheric & Geosciences. $316,633. Funded. (20% effort).

Roberts, S., Northcut, K., Stone, F. Kania-Gosche, B., et al. (2020). Little Miners Child Care Center. Missouri Department of Health and Human Services University Campus Child Care Expansion. $2,700,000. Funded. 

Cole, L. Zangori, L, Kania-Gosche, B., Burken, J. (2020). Raising the Green Roof: An Elementary Water Cycle Unit. University of Missouri Strategic Investment Program Tier 3. $75,000. Funded at $35,000. (20% effort) 
Kania-Gosche, B. (2019). Center for Educational Excellence in STEM. MoEXCELS, Missouri Coordinating Board for Education.  $380,000. Funded in 2021.

National Presentations

Kania-Gosche, B. & Gillis, M. (2023). Between a rock and a hard place: Provisional Student Teachers in Rural Schools. Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation. Indianapolis, IN.

Kania-Gosche, B., et al (2023). Reflections on a statewide analysis of candidate and completer enrollment, retention, assessment performance and equity in Missouri. Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation. Indianapolis, IN.

Kania-Gosche, B. & Northcut, K. (2023). Supporting Faculty, Staff, and Student-Parents though Cognitive, Emotional, and Behavioral Engagement. Academic Chairs Conference. New Orleans, LA.

Fridley, D. & Kania-Gosche, B. (2020) Stronger Together: Collaborating with State Agencies to Develop Powerful Systems of Accountability. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Atlanta, GA

Kania-Gosche, B. , Daniel, M., Ruettgers, M., Hutcheson, J., & Ralston, J. (2019) Thinking like the business school: Paid internships for teacher education students. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. Louisville, KY

Wilson, D. & Kania-Gosche, B. (2016). Building a Culture of Continuous Improvement Through Faculty Development. Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN

Bice, C. & Kania-Gosche, B. (2016). Using Local Survey Data to Monitor and Improve the Implementation of Student Teaching and Field Experiences. Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, San Diego, CO

Wittman, T., Kania-Gosche, B. & Sottile, J. (2015). The Development of Missouri’s First Year Teacher Survey.Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation. Denver, CO

Yearian, S. & Kania-Gosche, B. (2013). Incorporating Research into a Children’s Literature Course. National Council of Teachers of English. Boston, MA

Kania-Gosche, B. (2012). The dissertation gateway: Case studies of struggling ABD students in education. Conference on College Composition and Communication. St. Louis, MO


Kania-Gosche, B. & Hull, S. (2021) Cultivating teacher leadership in rural school districts. Empowering Formal and Informal Leadership While Maintaining Teacher Identity. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Kania-Gosche, B., Wisdom, S., & Leavitt, L. (2012). “They didn’t teach them anything!”: Learning from each other in K-20. Handbook of Research on Teaching and Learning in K-20 Education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Wang, V.C.X. & Kania-Gosche, B. (2012). Andragogy or pedagogy as a means to improve the workforce? Handbook of Research on Technologies for Improving the 21st Century Workforce. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Kania-Gosche, B. & Leavitt, L. (2011). A case study of an intervention to support Ed.D. students in dissertation writing.  International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology, 2 (4), 17-27.

Wang, V.C.X.  & Kania-Gosche, B. (2011). Assessing learning via web 2.0 technologies: A dichotomy.  International Journal of Technology and Educational Marketing, 1 (2).

Wang, V.C.X. & Kania-Gosche, B. (2011). Online instructors: Andragogical or pedagogical teaching? .  International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology, 2 (3), 12-29.

Wang, V. C. X &  Kania-Gosche, B. (2011). Liberating online adult teaching and learning from the lens of Marx and others. International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning, 6(2), 89-102.

Kania-Gosche, B. (2011). Using an online discussion board to support dissertation writing for Ed.D. students. Encyclopedia of E-Leadership, Counseling, and Training. IGI Global.

Wang, V.C.X.  & Kania-Gosche, B. (2010). Rethinking the right teaching methods that work for online learners.  International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology, 1 (3), 14-28.

Leavitt, L. & Kania-Gosche, B. (2010). National standards: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Critical Questions in Education, 1(2), 108-116.

Kania-Gosche, B. (2009) Using the principles of andragogy to teach writing effectively to graduate students online. In Wang, V.C.X. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Information Technologies and Adult Education Integration. IGI Global.