Making your site rank higher in search

You may have noticed that your new site doesn’t show up very well in Google search results yet. This is because search results are the result of an ongoing “ranking” process that takes time, sometimes months or years. The speed at which your site moves up through the ranks of existing, longer-established results is influenced by a wide variety of factors.

The good news is that by having your site on S&T Sites, you’re already ahead of the game to rise through the ranks quickly. Search engines prioritize sites that are quick to load, delivered securely, responsive to mobile devices, and on reputable domains. By hosting on S&T Sites and using the available range of templates, these boxes are checked automatically.

There is more you can do to ensure your content rises quickly, though!

Use headings to divide your content

First, make good use of headings. They’re handy for breaking up your content into clear sections. Your page’s title will already be an H1, so use H2 headings for main sections of content and H3 headings for subtopics. This helps readers follow along and gives search engines a better idea of what’s on your page.

Carefully choose and use keywords

Next, focus on the search terms you want to target. Choose a relevant keyword for your content and make sure it appears in your title, the first line, and at least one subheading. But be careful not to overuse it – that could harm more than help if you look like a spammer. The goal is balance.

Keep content easy to read

Make sure your content is easy to understand. Clear, easy-to-read content is also easy for search crawlers to categorize and rank. Tools like Flesch-Kinkaid readability calculators can help you keep things simple. Just remember not to oversimplify to the point where your content loses its unique style and feel.

Use descriptive image metadata

If you’re using images, don’t forget to fill out their metadata with helpful details. Giving your images clear titles and descriptions can improve their accessibility and give search engines more info to work with.

Link to trusted websites

Where it makes sense, include links to respected, high-ranking sites. Linking to well-known .org, .edu, and .gov sites can boost the credibility of your own content, helping to improve its ranking.

Remember: Search rankings change

Optimizing for search engines can be tricky because search algorithms often change without notice. The best way to rank highly regardless of changes is to consistently create valuable, well-structured content that’s valuable to your readers. This content will naturally attract more visitors, which can improve your page ranking over time.

In conclusion, keep in mind that your search ranking is a long game. By making sure your content is well-structured, useful, and search-friendly, you’ll be setting yourself up for long-term success in your online journey. Stick with these tips and watch your webpage’s Google ranking improve over time.