
My Teaching Philosophy

Theoretical physics is a difficult subject, and yet, the most interesting field of study one could possibly imagine. I attempt to share the fascination by exposing students to the intricacies of the field, while stressing the importance of the mathematical foundations. A course on “Mathematical Physics” (Physics 6403) tries to establish a link between the undergraduate education in mathematics and the enhanced knowledge of mathematics required for graduate studies in both experimental and theoretical physics.

Courses Taught

[Physics 6403]

Mathematical Physics.

[Physics 6111]

Graduate Electrodynamics I.

[Physics 6211]

Graduate Electrodynamics II.

Teaching Methods and Approaches

See here

Student Engagement

I encourage student engagement through active participation in discussions, group projects, and presentations. I also offer virtual office hours and am always open to questions and discussions outside of class time.

Office Hours

Office hours are available upon appointment. Please send an email to ulj@mst.edu.

Resources for Students

Please refer to these resources to supplement your learning:

  1. Book on Advanced Classical Electrodynamics
  2. Book on Quantum Electrodynamics

For lecture notes, see here.


Feel free to reach out to me at [ulj@mst.edu] or during my office hours for any questions or clarifications.