Missouri University of Science & Technology:
- CompE2210 Introduction to Digital Logic (Fall’24)
University of Detroit Mercy:
- ELEE5750 Deep learning (Fall’20/’21/’22)
- ELEE4011/12/31/32 Senior capstone design project (Fall’22,’23 /Spring’23,’24)
- ELEE5940-1 Digital communications (Spring’22/Spring’23)
- ELEE4880/5880 Digital signal processing (Spring’22)
- ELEE5940-2 Information theory (Fall’21)
- ELEE4800/5800 Computer organization and architecture (Spring’21/Spring’22)
- ELEE2650 Digital logic circuits laboratory (Spring’21)
- ELEE4680/5680 Computer networks (Fall’20)
Penn State University:
- EE560 Probability, rand. variables & stoch. processs (Fall’18) [Guest lecturer]
- EE561 Information theory (Spring 2018) [Guest lecturer]
- EE353 Discrete and continuous signals & systems (Spring’14) [Teaching assistant]
- EE360 Communication systems (Spring’14) [Teaching assistant]
- EE360 Communication systems (Spring’14) [Guest lecturer]