
The Minteer research group works at the interface of electrochemistry, biology, synthesis, and materials chemistry. We strive to provide solutions and address challenges in the areas of catalysis, fuel cells, sensing, and energy storage. Members of the group learn and develop mastery in multi-disciplinary fields through both internal and external collaborations. A culture of creativity is a part of our DNA. In the past 23 years, inclusion and diversity have driven our innovation and research successes. Everyone is welcome – as we continue to create an inclusive culture where all forms of diversity are seen as real values for the advancement of science and society. 

The Minteer Group focuses on improving the abiotic-biotic interface between biocatalysts and electrode surfaces for enhanced bioelectrocatalysis. These biocatalysts include microbial cells for energy conversion and wastewater treatment, organelles (mitochondria and thylakoid membranes) for biosensing, redox proteins for electroanalysis, and oxidoreductase enzymes for electrosynthesis. We design electrode structures for enhanced flux at electrode surfaces for biosensor, electrosynthesis, and biofuel cell applications. The group utilizes a variety of electroanalytical techniques (linear polarization, cyclic voltammetry, differential pulse voltammetry, differential pulse amperometry), as well as a variety of biological and spectroscopic techniques to accomplish these goals. The group also has an active program in electrocatalysis for synthetic organic electrochemistry.

Shelley Minteer is a director and member of CSOE.
