
You can use this page to list your upcoming meetings, competitions, and other events. You have several options for how to do this:

Link directly to the campus calendar (

If your team has a group on the campus calendar, it may be best to delete this page and instead place a Custom Link called Events in the same position in your menu under Appearance > Menu.

If you do not yet have a group on the campus calendar, contact with the name of your design team and a list of members (names and emails) who can submit and manage your events. Please advise these members to log into the campus calendar first so that their accounts are created and can be added to your group.

While this option is potentially the simplest and most effective, its major drawback is that the campus calendar is only for events of interest to the wider campus community. A club’s private meetings would not be appropriate for the main campus calendar. See the next option for a variation on this strategy that will allow both event types.

Embed the campus calendar for public events, use another calendar for private events

If your team has a group on the campus calendar, you can create an embeddable widget of events specific to your group to use on this site. Visit, filter events by your group, and select a layout. We recommend Widget Type: List and Style: Card. Retrieve the embed code and paste it into a Custom HTML block on this page.

If you do not yet have a group on the campus calendar, contact with the name of your design team and a list of members (names and emails) who can submit and manage your events. Please advise these members to log into the campus calendar first so that their accounts are created and can be added to your group.

By embedding your public events, you can then make a heading below for your private events and embed another calendar of your choice there. You can activate Calendar+ under your Plugins menu to manage your events here in WordPress, or you can paste an embed code into a Custom HTML block from any other service (e.g. Google calendar).

Use the Calendar+ plugin

Your site is equipped with a plugin called Calendar+ that you can activate under the Plugins menu. This will allow you to manage events in WordPress like you would manage posts. Once some events have been added, insert a calendar block onto this page to display them.

Embed a third-party calendar

If your team already manages events in a third-party calendar like Google calendar, you can embed it using a Custom HTML block on this page.