BioSci 2243 – Sleep: Function and Dysfunction
The goal of this course is to teach the fundamentals of sleep biology and the impact that it can have on both public and personal health. We will start with the basics of the phenomenon of sleep and move into how sleep is controlled by the brain and the neurotransmitters. We will look at the impact of sleep deprivation on the cognitive function, the metabolic health, and the cardiovascular health of people. In this class, participation is highly encouraged. We all have experience with sleep, but many of us dispense with sleep and substitute it for other activities. You will learn why one needs to protect their sleep, and what might be the best course of action if one encounters sleep difficulties. We will use the course text, primary literature, and examples to illustrate the concepts of sleep.
BioSci 3333 – Anatomy and Physiology I
The goal of this course and its Spring counterpart is to provide students with an understanding of the integrated relationship of anatomy and physiology to maintain homeostasis in humans. While the overall goal is to understand how organismal homeostasis is maintained and responsive to environmental changes, for teaching purposes we will divide the body into organ systems and survey each successively. The ultimate goal of this class is to develop critical thinking skills to take the facts that you learn and critically analyze situations. In the Fall semester, we will discuss the integumentary system, musculo-skeletal system, nervous system, and endocrine systems. Since the anatomy and function are critically linked, each section will address both the anatomy and the function of the particular organ system from our molecular understanding down up to the organ function. Though we will deal with each system individually, we will always attempt to connect the particular system back to other organ systems in the body.
BioSci 4533/6533 – Neurobiology
The goal of this course is to explain how and neurons operate to provide the sophisticated function that humans carry out. Neurobiology is huge and ever-expanding field. We are going to cover aspects of the field. In particular, this course will focus on the basics and molecular mechanisms that permit communication within the Central Nervous System (CNS) and between the CNS and the periphery. The focus of this course is on the molecules, proteins, and concepts that make this happen because modulating these aspects are what underlies both disease as well as our pharmacological treatment of disease.
BioSci 6223 – Research Proposal Writing
Each week, the class will meet to discuss proposal structure and readings from the book, and to read and provide feedback on proposal writing. At the end of the semester, each student should have a draft of a proposal that can be used for a submission for a Fellowship or other funding opportunity