
My Teaching Philosophy

My teaching philosophy is centered around the idea that learning is a lifelong journey, and my role is to guide students along this path. I believe in creating an environment that encourages exploration, critical thinking, and the application of knowledge to real-world situations. I strive to make my classes interactive, engaging, and relevant to my students’ future careers and personal growth.

Courses Taught

AE-3171 Aerodynamics II

Three dimensional incompressible wing theory. Compressible one dimensional flow with normal and oblique shock waves, heat addition, and friction. Compressible transonic, and supersonic linearized flow theory. Supersonic wings and wing/fuselage configurations. Prerequisite: “C” or better in Aero Eng 3131 and Mech Eng 2519.

  • Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Spring 2024.

AE/ME -6135 Turbulent Flows: Theory, Measurements and Modelling.

Navier-Stokes equations; statistical description and mean-flow equations; behavior of free shear and wall bounded flows; the energy cascade; turbulence spectra and Kolmogorov hypothesis; measurement techniques: PIV, hot-wires, LDV; turbulence modeling for transport processes and closure schemes for RANS equations; evaluation of model constants, introduction to LES, DNS and hybrid-RANS. Prerequisite: Mech Eng 5131 or Aero Eng 5131 or Mech Eng 5139 or Aero Eng 5139 or equivalent.

  • Fall 2023

Teaching Methods and Approaches

I employ a variety of teaching methods to cater to diverse learning styles, including [e.g., flipped classrooms, problem-based learning, group projects]. I believe in a hands-on approach and incorporate real-world examples and case studies wherever possible.

Student Engagement

I encourage student engagement through active participation in discussions, group projects, and presentations. I also offer virtual office hours and I am always open to questions and discussions outside of class time.

Resources for Students

Please refer to these resources to supplement your learning:

  1. AIAA HyTASP page (Plenty of resources)
  2. Compressible Aerodynamics Calculator page

(This list may include textbooks, online learning platforms, useful websites, recommended reading etc.)


Feel free to reach out to me at dvigano@mst.edu or during my office hours for any questions or clarifications.